Special Needs Adaptations

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Special Needs Adaptations by Mind Map: Special Needs Adaptations


1.1. Environmental

1.1.1. Seat student at front of room

1.1.2. Place student near good peer models

1.2. Materials

1.2.1. Use recording sheets

1.2.2. Organize materials to encourage self-monitoring progress

1.3. Teaching

1.3.1. Remove excess materials

1.3.2. Use audible cues

1.3.3. Use eye contact with verbal instructions

1.4. Assessment

1.4.1. Provide daily assignments

1.4.2. Do not test attention span

1.4.3. Reward on-task behavior

1.4.4. Maintain parent communication

2. Hearing Impaired

2.1. Environmental

2.1.1. Seat so vision is not obstructed

2.1.2. Seat away from distracting background noises

2.2. Materials

2.2.1. Modify for making observations through other senses

2.2.2. Use captioned films and videos

2.2.3. Use printed text to accompany audiotapes

2.2.4. Model or illustrate spoken instructions

2.3. Teaching

2.3.1. Face the child while speaking

2.3.2. Speak distinctly and do not shout

2.3.3. Use written outlines

2.4. Assessment

2.4.1. Avoid spoken forms of assessment

3. Gifted

3.1. Environmental

3.1.1. None

3.2. Materials

3.2.1. Advanced reading materials

3.2.2. Greater application of technology

3.3. Teaching

3.3.1. Emphasize problem solving

3.3.2. Accelerate pace

3.3.3. Arrange mentorships

3.3.4. Emphasize processes, mathematics and uses of technology

3.4. Assessment

3.4.1. Increase expectations for analysis, application and hypotheses

3.4.2. Use open-ended assessment devices