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Konzept by Mind Map: Konzept

1. Platform

1.1. Facebook App

1.2. Iphone App

1.3. Web page

2. Functionality

2.1. Import images

2.1.1. Direct Upload

2.1.2. Social Networks

2.1.3. Camera

2.2. Tagging

2.2.1. Brands

2.2.2. Names

2.2.3. Location

2.2.4. Style

2.3. Community

2.3.1. Rating


2.3.3. Collaborative filtering

3. Differentiators

3.1. Social Platform

3.2. Reuse of exiting content

3.3. Customized page

3.4. Street Styles rather than High Street

4. Monetization

4.1. Traffic

4.2. Product Placement

4.3. Site Partnerships

5. Content

5.1. People Photos

5.2. Fashion Info

5.3. Trends by Country, City, Style

5.4. What't the trend?

6. Competition

6.1. Fashion Magazines

6.2. Istyle Facebook -