Strategies for Motivating Students Deborah Williams EDU/662 December 3, 2012 Dr. Shannon Corona

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Strategies for Motivating Students Deborah Williams EDU/662 December 3, 2012 Dr. Shannon Corona by Mind Map: Strategies for Motivating Students Deborah Williams EDU/662 December 3, 2012 Dr. Shannon Corona

1. Let students take practice tests

2. Course

2.1. Lesson or Series Title

2.2. Goals of Each Lesson

2.3. Share your passion for the course with students

2.4. Prepare, structure, design, and develop the course carefully

2.5. "Allow students some voice in determining the course content, policies, conduct rules, and assignments" (Nilson, 2011, p; 56).

2.6. Share instances where the course relates to occupations and lifelong learning

2.7. Make sure that engaging activities are a foundation of the course.

3. Persona

3.1. Make eye contact with each student

3.1.1. Task

3.1.2. Prerequisites

3.2. Vary voice intonation and smile

3.2.1. Convey firm expectations

3.2.2. "Maintain classroom order and civility to earn your students' respect" (Nilson, 2011, p. 56).

3.3. Use large arm motions to emphasize a point

3.3.1. Task

3.3.2. Prerequisites

4. Assignments

4.1. "Reinforce the idea that all students can improve their cognitive and other abilities with practice and are in control of their academic fates" (Nilson, p. 57).

4.2. Set realistic goals for assessments

4.3. Keep learning outcomes carefully sequenced

4.4. Provide students with various activities and assignments that don't count much toward the final grade.

5. Teaching

5.1. Explain methods, materials, assignments, resources, everything pertaining to the class and how they will succeed in it.

5.2. Share information with students about how to learn your subject.

5.3. Make sure the learning materials and activities respect the students; intelligence

5.4. Help students use previously learned skills to enhance his or her learning outcomes.

5.5. "Use a variety in presentation methods to accommodate various learning styles" (Nilson, 2011, p. 56).