Customer relationship management

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Customer relationship management by Mind Map: Customer relationship management

1. Sugar CRM: function of the marketing page?

1.1. The marketing page gives the user an overview of all his individual leads and also of his leads by lead source.

2. Sugar CRM: function of the sales page?

2.1. The Sales page gives the user a detailed overview of all his customers/potential customers and the their current situation in the form of a "pipeline" (closed deal stadium, negotiating stadium, proposal stadium, qualification stadium.) Furthermore it gives a top ten of open opportunities but also a list of closed opportunities. Finally the sales page gives the user a short overview of his open tasks (to-do list).

3. Relevance of CRM

3.1. Customer Relationship management is the strongest and the most efficient approach in maintaining and creating relationships with customers. Customer relationship management is not only pure business but also ideate strong personal bonding within people. Development of this type of bonding drives the business to new levels of success.

4. 3 critical success factors of CRM

4.1. Establish measurable business goals

4.2. Align business and IT operations

4.3. Let business goals drive functionality

5. Reasons to integrate a CRM solution in your business?

5.1. Many midsize companies use a variety of applications to manage their sales, marketing, customer service, and engineering departments. Although these applications initially worked well for each group, they often are not the best choice for the entire organization. Because every department accesses a separate application with a different database and a unique business process, islands of information are created that hinder productivity, increase operating costs, and limit visibility company-wide. An integrated CRM solution eliminates the challenges associated with separate applications, enhancing productivity, improving customer satisfaction, and increasing profitability.

6. What?

6.1. CRM

6.2. Klant-relatie-beheer

6.3. Purpose?

6.3.1. Optimising contact with customers

6.3.2. Giving every single customer an individual valueposition

6.3.3. The higher the customer value the better their treatment

7. Sugar CRM: Reports

7.1. Cases by Assigned User

7.2. Closed Cases Report

7.3. Forecasted Revenue next 12 months

7.4. Expected Commissions

7.5. Commission Report