Macroeconomic Indicators

Indicators that show how the country's economy is doing overall

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Macroeconomic Indicators by Mind Map: Macroeconomic Indicators

1. Capital Deepening

1.1. Money Multiplier

1.2. Required Reserve Ratio

1.3. Savings Rate

1.4. Banking

1.5. Prime Interest Rate

2. Poverty Rate

2.1. Homeless

2.2. Race, Age, Inner City

2.3. Government Assistance

3. Business Cycle

3.1. Stock Markets

3.2. Recession

3.3. Investment

3.4. SEC & FTC

3.5. Securities

4. Monetary Exchange Rate

4.1. Foreign Currency

4.2. Strong vs Weak Dollar

4.3. Trade

5. National Debt

5.1. Deficits

5.2. Interest Payments

5.3. Federal Budget

6. Inflation Rate

6.1. Cost of Living

6.2. CPI

6.3. Purchasing Power

6.4. Prices

6.5. Quantity of Money Theory

7. Unemployment Rate

7.1. Labor Force

7.2. Cyclical

7.3. Jobs

8. Real GDP

8.1. Manufacturing

8.2. Goods/Services

8.3. Imports/Exports

8.4. Real vs Nominal

9. Per Capita GDP

9.1. Population

9.2. Standard of Living

9.3. Personal Income

10. Production Posibilites Frontier

10.1. Efficiency vs. Waste

10.2. Guns vs. Butter

10.3. Growth

10.4. Technology