Joyful Jubilant Learning September 2007

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Joyful Jubilant Learning September 2007 by Mind Map: Joyful Jubilant Learning September 2007

1. Courageous Heart

1.1. Stay With Tasks

1.2. Use Wisdom to Manage Risk

1.3. Influence Change

1.4. Make Waves

1.5. Lead the Way

2. Is there Value in Learning for the Sake of Learning?

2.1. Knowledge

2.2. Comprehension

2.3. Application

2.4. Analysis

2.5. Synthesis

2.6. Evaluation

3. Real Leadership Starts with Trust

3.1. Character Makes Trust Possible

3.2. Trust Makes Leadership Possible

4. New Voices are Tooting Sweetly!

5. Learning to Live Large!

5.1. BHAG

5.2. Ask Better Questions

5.3. Collaboration

5.4. Competition

5.5. Courage

5.6. Uncover Your New Best

6. What difference will you make? It’s your choice.

6.1. What kind of difference are you making?

6.2. It is all about the choices you make.

6.3. Doing what's important vs. urgent.

7. The Law of Intuition: What do you think you know?

7.1. Leadership is a learned skill

7.2. How does learning help your intuition?

8. Learning how to ask great questions

8.1. Blog Action Day: October 15th

9. Zombies

9.1. What is Your Lighthouse?

9.2. Constructive Beacon

9.3. Destructive Beacons

10. Entrepreneurs Make a Difference

10.1. They Add Value

10.2. Small Incremental Improvements

10.3. Incremental IS Innovation

10.4. Incremental Growth Becomes Economic Growth

10.5. Celebrate Your Local Entrepreneur

11. Make a Difference

11.1. Doing

11.2. Living

11.3. Working

12. 10 Commitments for Parents

12.1. Be What We Want Our Children to Be

13. High Quality Interactions

13.1. A Moment of Difference

13.2. Practice Active Listening

13.3. Ignite the Energy Within

13.4. Be Mindful of Your Interactions

14. A Harbor in the Tempest

14.1. We All Need Place to Purge

15. Barnstable does it right

15.1. Pat Riley: The Winner Within: A Life Plan for Team Players

15.2. Listen to Stronger by Kanye West

15.3. To Grow: You Need to Trust Each Other

16. Koa: Courage

16.1. The Hawaiian Value of Courage

16.2. Flash Back for Rosa

16.3. From Manager to Leader

16.4. Resolution, Conviction, Emotional Strength

16.5. Make a Difference for Ourselves First

16.6. Leadership Qualities

16.6.1. Mālama, or Caring

16.6.2. Ha‘aha‘a, or Humility

16.6.3. Kūpono, or Integrity

16.6.4. Na‘auao, or Intelligence and Wisdom

16.6.5. Koa, or Courage

17. Learning from LIfe

17.1. Anxiety Writes the Script

17.2. Bias toward filling in the blanks

17.3. Suspend Judgment

17.4. Goal: Communicate More Clearly

18. How Smiles and Thank You's Make a Difference

18.1. Joy is Infectious

18.2. Smiles @ Work

18.3. Thank You's: Small Moments of Energy

18.4. Smiles: Leading Indicator of Bottom Line Results

19. Who's the real leader?

19.1. When a Real Leader Speaks People Listen

19.2. Leaders Get Things Done

19.3. Someone Other Than You Might Best Lead

20. Create Your Distinction

20.1. Ho‘ohanohano: Dignity & Respect

20.2. We Sell Ourselves Short

20.3. Create Distinction to Conduct Yourself With

20.4. Toot Your Own Horn

20.5. Manager: What will you be known for?

20.6. We have to create something

20.7. From Management to Leadership

20.8. Work on Ourselves First

21. How Learning Increases Your Contribution

21.1. Two Options

21.1.1. Coast Plateau

21.1.2. Grow Stretching Yourself

21.2. Clarity of Purpose

21.3. As We Grow We Sprinkle Learning on Others

22. A Remarkable Interview with Kevin Eikenberry

22.1. Remarkable Leadership

22.2. Result of Leaders Actions

22.3. Focus: How Leaders Engender Trust

22.4. Learning: Foundational Skill of Any Leader

22.5. Five Things to Become Remarkable

22.5.1. Believe

22.5.2. Recognize and Remind

22.5.3. Actualize through Action

22.5.4. Gratitude

22.5.5. Serve

23. Help! I Can't Learn Anything Because I'm Disinterested

23.1. We Are Learners

23.2. We Are Teachers

23.3. Which are You?

23.3.1. Disinterested

23.3.2. Boring

23.3.3. Motivated

23.3.4. Inspiring

24. Picture the Difference

25. Realizing the power of our words

25.1. Capacity to be Remarkable

25.2. Inspirational teacher

25.3. Mindful of your own interactions

25.4. Clear about your purpose and values

26. JJL University

26.1. School Administrator

26.2. World History teacher

26.3. Gym teacher

26.4. English Teacher

26.5. School newspaper advisor

26.6. Speech teacher

26.7. Foreign Language teacher

26.8. Football coach

26.9. Science Teacher

26.10. Mathematics Teacher

26.11. American History teacher

26.12. Drama & Performing Arts

26.13. Band director

26.14. Home economics teacher

26.15. Debate Coach

26.16. Geography teacher

26.17. Philosophy teacher

26.18. Student Government teacher

27. The Law of Solid Ground: Trust is the Key to Leaving a Legacy

27.1. Being a Trustworthy Leader

27.2. Me First or Team First?

28. Notes to Make a Difference By

28.1. If I Had A Million Dollars

28.2. Reminder: Take the Blog off the Blog

28.3. Podcast Version (MP 3)

29. Selling myself short

29.1. It's hard to make a difference if you don't believe you can

29.2. Trusting You Make a Difference

29.3. Belief In Yourself

29.4. Moving Outside Your Comfort Zone

30. But... I'm not smart enough!

30.1. More To Intelligence than just IQ

30.2. Brain has amazing plasticity

30.3. Who's the person you would really like to be?

31. Being the Difference: My Solution to Change

31.1. Always a Student

31.2. Be The Change

31.3. Being the Difference


31.4.1. Untitled

32. Why I Learn

32.1. I keep learning to feed my curiosity

32.2. I learn to help

32.3. I learn to never stop trying

32.4. I learn to put people first

32.5. Why do you learn ?

33. My Ten Gallon Hat

33.1. Making impressions on a child

33.2. More than love

33.2.1. Build Them

33.2.2. Teach Them

33.2.3. Teach Self-Reliance