Experienctal Education

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Experienctal Education by Mind Map: Experienctal  Education

1. Scaffolding

1.1. Educator teaches skill set

1.2. Students practice the skill

1.3. Students accomplish the task on their own

2. Choice Theory

2.1. All behavior is a choice

2.2. We can choose to make healthy choices

3. Flow

3.1. A state of "timelessness is experience

3.2. Students are completely engulfed in the task

3.3. Students are interested by the task

3.4. Little behavior management is needed if students enjoy what they are doing

4. Student-centered classroom

4.1. The educator acts as a guide

4.2. Students and teacher collaborate on tasks

4.3. Work is based on students' interests

4.4. Some basal material is assigned, but most work is activity based

5. real-life learning

5.1. school work is or resembles real work

5.2. community and culture are integrated into lessons