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Using Ipads for WRITING/CREATING TEXT por Mind Map: Using Ipads for WRITING/CREATING TEXT

1. File Management

1.1. Box - Free

1.2. CloudOn - Free

1.3. Dropbox - Free

1.4. Edmodo - Free (images/videos)

1.5. Emerge HD - License (link to SIMS)

1.6. Google Drive - Free

1.7. FileBrowser - Paid

1.8. Paperport - Free

1.9. SkyDrive - Free

1.10. WebDav - Free

1.11. Yousendit - Free

2. Annotation

2.1. Adobe Reader - Free

2.2. Goodreader - £2.99

2.3. GoodNotes - Free/£3.99

2.4. iAnnotate PDF - £6.99

2.5. PDF Reader - Free/£1.99

2.6. PDFpen for iPad - £10.49

2.7. PDF-notes - Free/£6.99

2.8. PDF Expert - £6.99

2.9. PDF-Connoisseur - £6.99

2.10. Paperdesk - Free/£2.49

2.11. DiigoBrowser - Free

2.12. AnnotDoc - £0.69

3. Write/record notes

3.1. 7note - Very Paid

3.2. AudioNote - Paid

3.3. Awesome note - Paid

3.4. Dragon Dictation - Free

3.5. Educreations - Free

3.6. Evernote - Free

3.7. Fastfinga - Paid

3.8. Ghostwriter Notes - Paid

3.9. GoodNotes - Free/Paid

3.10. Inkiness - Paid

3.11. Jot! Whiteboard Free - Free

3.12. Mindmash - Free

3.13. MUJI Notebook - Free/Paid

3.14. MyScript Notes - Paid

3.15. Neu.Notes - Paid

3.16. Notability - Paid

3.17. Note Taker HD - Paid

3.18. NoteLedge - Free/Paid

3.19. Noteshelf - Paid

3.20. Pages - Paid

3.21. Paper - Free

3.22. Paperdesk - Free/Paid

3.23. Paperport notes - Free

3.24. Penultimate - Paid

3.25. PhatPad - Paid

3.26. QEver - Free

3.27. Remarks - Paid

3.28. Simplenote - Free

3.29. Smart Writing Tool - 7notes HD - Free/£6.49 - write to text

3.30. WritePad - Paid - write to text

4. Drawing

4.1. Bamboo Paper - Free

4.2. Brushes - Free

4.3. Chalk for iPad - Free

4.4. Doodle Buddy - Free

4.5. Draw 4 Free - Free

4.6. Everpaint - Paid

4.7. Flowpaper - Paid

4.8. Glow Draw - Free

4.9. Paper - Free

4.10. Sketchbook Express - Free

4.11. Sketchbook Pro - Paid

4.12. Skitch - Free

4.13. Whiteboard - Free/Paid

5. Word clouds

5.1. TagCloud - Paid

5.2. Word collage - Paid

5.3. Word salad - Free

6. Third-party office suites

6.1. Documents to Go - Office Suite - Very Paid

6.2. Doc2 HD - Very Paid

6.3. Itap mobile - Very Paid

6.4. Office2 HD - Very Paid

6.5. Polaris Office - Very Paid

6.6. Quickoffice Pro HD - Very Paid

6.7. Smart Office 2 - Very Paid