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A Clockwork Orange by Mind Map: A Clockwork Orange

1. Characters

1.1. Alex

1.1.1. Protagonist

1.1.2. Sociopath with tastes

1.1.3. The Brains

1.2. His "Droogs" / gang of misfits

1.2.1. Pete, Just in it for the violence

1.2.2. Georgie, The #2/Starscream

1.2.3. Dim The Muscle

2. Conflict

2.1. Confronting his old gang members

2.2. dealing with Mr.F.Alexander

2.3. His Brain Washing

2.3.1. Sick of Violence

2.3.2. Can't enjoy Classical Music

3. Symbolism

3.1. Clasical Music

3.1.1. Sanity