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Atoms by Mind Map: Atoms

1. Gain or loses electrons

1.1. IONS

1.1.1. cations

1.1.2. anions

2. Combines Chemically

2.1. Molecules

2.1.1. Molecules of coumpond

2.1.2. Molecules of Elements

3. Atomic Theory

3.1. Leucippus and Democritus (400SM)

3.2. Jhon Dalton (1808)

3.3. JJ. Thomson(1898)

3.4. Rutherford (1911)

3.5. Niels Bohr (1913)

4. One atom consits of

4.1. Protons

4.1.1. Hold positive charge

4.2. Neutrons

4.2.1. No charge

4.3. Electrons

4.3.1. Hold negative charge