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1. Non Verbal communication

1.1. Touch

1.2. Tones and sounds

1.3. Posture

1.4. Gestures

1.5. Eye contact

1.6. Humor

1.7. Facial expressions

1.8. Body language

1.9. Para linguistic

2. Verbal Communication

2.1. Oral

2.1.1. Speech

2.1.2. Face to face

2.1.3. Phone call

2.2. Written

2.2.1. Strive for simplicity

2.2.2. Dont rely on tone

2.2.3. Take time to review your written communication

2.2.4. Keep a file of writing you find effective or enjoyable Text Emails and messages

3. Seven essential elements

3.1. Message

3.2. Receiver

3.3. Sender

3.4. Channel

3.5. Noise

3.6. Feedback

3.7. Context

4. Visual

4.1. Ask others before including visuals

4.1.1. Infographic

4.1.2. Map

4.1.3. Animation

4.2. Consider your audience

4.3. Only use visuals if they add value

4.4. Make them clear and easy to understand