Immersion in theCloud

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Immersion in theCloud by Mind Map: Immersion in theCloud

1. Information storage is an asset that grows day by dat, it is avaible at anytime, anywhere in the world. without barriers, without space problems and with total acces to share and enjoy it.

2. Virtual machines

2.1. Is an enviroment where an operating system used over the main operating system of the computer is installed.

2.1.1. Several applications on the market to create virtual machines:

2.1.2. Virtual box

2.1.3. VMWare Workstation

2.1.4. Parallels Desktop

2.1.5. Hyper-V

2.1.6. Windows SandBox

2.1.7. Quemu

2.1.8. Xen

2.1.9. Boot Camp

2.1.10. Veertu

3. Storage on the cloud

3.1. Used in various activities, we can have them available at anytime, anywhere, just enough have an internet connection and some service from providers that have this service.

3.1.1. Basic Concepts Bit:the minimum unit of information that a digital or electronic device can have. Abbreviation of Binary Digit. Internet Speed: It is measuredin megabytes per seconnd which corresponds to the number of data transmitted in that amount of time. Upload: speed refers to the time it takes for the data you send to upload to the internet. Download speed: refers to the time it takes for data from the page where it is being downloaded until it reaches your electronic device. Latency: refers to the time it takes for the connection to commnicate with the IP network and is measured in milliseconds. In order to obtain a better perfomance in your service, is suggested: Ip adress: is a set of numbers that is used to identify and logically locate a electronic device. BYTE: used to measure the storage capacity of a certain device or the amount of space available for storage.

4. Network Security

4.1. More and more data ar being used by our computer, which makes us vulnerable to virus attacks, phishing hackers, malicious codes, among others.

4.1.1. Systems that help guarantee security Backup Copies: will avoid the loss of information and hours of work spent on those files. It is recommended to make backup copies of the information either daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Methods to store backup information: Compression: used to reduce the weight of the files that are being saves. Redundancy: to generate several backup copies and store them in different types. Reduplication: specialized technique that allows data compression and is used specifically to eliminate duplicate copies of data. Encryption: used to protect information against potencialsecurity vulnerabilities. Backup in the Cloud: an option that allows the storage of information outside the website, the computer or the hard disk, can storage a several gigabytes of information. Antivirus: software or program that helps protect the computer equipment from viruses that arrive through any storage medium or other source and is used to detect and eliminate any type of virus on the computer and/or device even before it has infected the system. Most popular antivirus of 2020: Kaspersky Internet Security, NortonLifeLock Norton 360, Avast Premium Security, Avira Antivirus Pro, Trend Micro Internet Security. Protect against: Viruses, Computer worms, Trojans, Spyware, Ransomware. Firewall: serves as a security mechanism and as a network that monitors incoming and outgoing information traffic and restrics unauthorized access by intruders or attacks.

5. Data Protection

5.1. Refers to the fundamental principles, safeguards and practices put in place to protect your personal information and ensure that you maintain its control. It is important to have data protection so that the information is well protected and is not shared or disclosed.

5.1.1. Personal data: age, address, phone number, personal email, academic/ work or professional trajectory, heritage, social security number, and CURP, among others.

5.1.2. More sensitive aspects: way of thinking, ethnic and racial origin, physical characteristics, ideology and political opinions, religious beliefs, sexual preferences, etc.

6. Digital Responsability

6.1. Social networks give us the freedom to communicate with people, we as citizens have the responsability to take care of the information that we publish on any social network and not to harm or injure third parties

6.1.1. Dangers we are exposed to on the internet Grooming: set of actions an adult who, deliberately tries as far as possible to obtain the affection of a minor, in such a way that he or she can at certain moments have control and power over him or her with the objective of obtaining material compromising the minor. Cyberbullying: term that is used to describe when a child or adolescent is bullied, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or abused by another child or adolescent, through the internet. Forms of cyberbullying are Cyberaddiction: behavior that is characterized by the loss of control over the use of the internet