ULE Connecting the Dots

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ULE Connecting the Dots by Mind Map: ULE Connecting the Dots

1. Goal 1 - Learners have their individual needs met

2. Goal 2 - Learners are self-directed, innovative, ecologically intelligent and entrepreneurial

3. RVS Portrait of a 21st Century Learner

3.1. The "Ideal Graduate"

3.2. New basics of curriculum

4. Instructional Design

4.1. Authentic, constructivist, self directed learning

4.2. Framework and supports to guide development conversation

4.3. Inquiry and Project Based Learning - two strong pedagogical outcomes

4.4. Assessment Policy HK

5. Personal Learning Environments

5.1. Digital Literacy

5.1.1. Constructing meaning

5.1.2. Collaboration

5.1.3. Publishing

5.2. Meeting learning styles

6. Three Year Plan

7. Goal 4 - Learning environments enable the acquisition of 21st C competencies

8. Goal 3 - Instructional design challenges and engages each learner

9. Learning Model

9.1. Balanced Assessment

9.1.1. As Learning

9.1.2. For Learning

9.1.3. Of Learning

9.2. Universal Design for Learning

9.2.1. Representation

9.2.2. Expression

9.2.3. Engagement

9.3. Understanding by Design

10. Diversity

10.1. Diversity Blueprint

10.2. Culturally Responsive Teaching

10.3. Redefining Success

11. Data Driven Decision Making

11.1. Balanced Assessment

11.2. Learner Profiles Quantitative / Qualitative

11.3. Capacity Building / RVS Professional Learning Model

11.4. Powerschool SIS Report Generation

12. Professional Learning Model

12.1. Personalized & Generative

12.2. Transformational

12.3. Job Embedded

12.4. Inquiry - Based

12.5. Ongoing & Supported

12.6. Research & Data-Informed

12.7. Collabortive

12.8. Innovative