Validity and Reliability Mind Map

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Validity and Reliability Mind Map by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability Mind Map

1. Does the Test score fairly closely approximate an individuals true level of ability, skill, or aptitude?

2. 1.Error within Test-Takers 2. Error Within the Test 3. Error in Test Administration

3. Validity

3.1. Does the test measure what it is suppose to measure?

3.2. Content Validity Evidence

3.3. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

4. Internal Consistenct

5. Alternate forms or equivalence

6. Test-Retest or Stability

6.1. Task

6.2. Prerequisites

7. Reliability

7.1. Does the test yield the same or similar score rankings

7.1.1. Task

7.1.2. Prerequisites

8. Accuracy