Useful ICT tools for Teaching and Learning

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Useful ICT tools for Teaching and Learning by Mind Map: Useful ICT tools for Teaching and Learning

1. Forums, ICT Enthusiasts, Resources

1.1. Wired Teachers

1.2. Tim Rylands

1.3. 101 Web tools for teachers

1.4. Khan Academy

1.5. Web 2.0 tools

1.6. EdShelf

1.7. SouthEastGridForLearning

2. Words and speaking

2.1. Wordle

2.2. Wordsift

2.3. EtherPad

2.4. EduBlogs

2.5. Quizlet

2.6. Quotepad

2.7. WikiSpaces

2.8. Read the Words

2.9. Forvo

3. Presentation/Collaborate

3.1. Scribd

3.2. Dipity

3.3. VoiceThread

3.4. ImgSpark

3.5. It's Learning

3.6. Mindmapping and diagrams

3.6.1. MindMeister

3.6.2. Mindomo

3.6.3. Gliffy

3.6.4. Bubbl

3.6.5. Lucid Chart

3.7. Padlet

3.8. Create A Graph

3.9. Presentation

3.9.1. Slide Boom

3.9.2. Slide Rocket

3.9.3. Slide Share

3.9.4. Prezi

3.9.5. EdCanvas

3.10. WikiSpaces

3.11. EduBlogs

4. CAD/Draw

4.1. Inkscape

4.2. Google SketchUp

5. Feedback tools

5.1. Socrative

5.2. Answer Garden

5.3. EduBlogs

5.4. WikiSpaces

5.5. ClassTools

5.6. ClassMarker

5.7. It's Learning

5.8. Survey Monkey

6. Photos/Video

6.1. Tag Galaxy

6.2. You Tube

6.3. TeacherTube

6.4. BBC Learning

6.5. Photo/Video utilities

6.5.1. Block Poster

6.5.2. CommonCraft

6.5.3. Camstudio

6.5.4. Screencast-O-Matic

6.5.5. WeVideo

6.5.6. Animoto

6.5.7. Google Picasa

6.6. Video conferencing

6.6.1. JANET Video Conferencing

6.6.2. JANET Collaborate

6.6.3. ooVoo

7. Audio

7.1. Audacity

7.2. Audio Network

7.3. Vocaroo

7.4. It's Learning

7.5. PodOmatic

8. Behaviour, Seating plans

8.1. Class Charts

8.2. Class Dojo

9. Games, timers, random name pickers, starters etc.

9.1. ClassTools

9.2. MS Excel

9.3. Zondle

9.4. GPSmission

9.5. Crossword maker