Choose Your Best Life Now

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Choose Your Best Life Now by Mind Map: Choose Your Best Life Now

1. Identifying what it is

2. Position self

3. How would this benefit me or what is in it for me?

3.1. Look forward to each day

3.2. Fulfilled living

4. What would that look like?

4.1. Dream

4.2. Doing something you love to do

4.3. Passionate about

5. How?

5.1. A new mindset

5.2. Others stories

5.3. A new lens

6. When

6.1. Now

7. Adjust attitude

8. Modify thoughts

9. Beliefs

9.1. Inadequacy

9.2. Incompetence

9.3. Unattainable

9.4. Source

10. Obstacles

10.1. Educational

10.2. Social

10.3. Emotional

10.4. Relational

10.5. Physical

10.6. Socioeconomic

10.7. Fear

11. Why can't you have it?