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1. ParentalPal.Org

1.1. ParentalPal.Org is an international Social-Profit Organization. It provides intelligent infrastructure for inspired family connections.

1.2. ParentalPal.Net (blog, E)

1.3. ParentalPal.Info (blog, D)

2. SchoolPal.Org

2.1. SchoolPal.Org is an innovative ongoing competition for students to aim for open mind and international horizons through unorthodox thinking & good writing

2.2. It offers free access to ParentalPal.Org as an award for publiches entries plus class prizes for excellent contributions

2.3. SchoolPal.Net blog

2.4. made for kids aged 10 to 19, mentored by teachers

3. .

3.1. Shared Mindspace is a specific program to take Student Exchange into the future. Sensitive matching of kids with interest and the right attitude allows for high potential exchange with far reaching synergies. It minimizes logistic, administrative, emotional and budget hurdles.

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4.1. meeting point for parents with skills and knowledge and people who appreciate the extra quality raising children adds to a personality (kick off 2011)

5. The Good Mondays Society www.goodmondays.org

5.1. GoodMondays.net - the blog -

6. Parental Pals are parents in partnerships

6.1. their aim is global education & experience for their children; they believe in multilingual and multicultural thinking and pool their Haves and Wants on a fair give-and-take basis .

6.2. Parental Pals pool their infrastrucutres for a fair exchange of opportunities

6.3. Site Map:

7. .

7.1. The project vanguard for ParentalFusion

7.2. co-operative access - teenagers and students

7.3. currently hot: YCCCIO !

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9. The Parental Pals' metalevel: connects parents with schools and institutions worldwide. Think Tank with a multitude of hotwires for a new approach to Global Education

10. Parental Pals give kids access to global education by giving them access to each other Click the little arrow for a clear definition!