Cellular Respiration by: Zach Turgeon

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Cellular Respiration by: Zach Turgeon by Mind Map: Cellular Respiration by: Zach Turgeon

1. Stages

1.1. Glycolysis

1.2. Krebs/Citric Acid Cycle

1.3. Electron Transport Chain

2. Significant Event in Each Stage

2.1. Glycolysis: initial splitting of a sugar molecule

2.2. Krebs Cycle/Citric Acid Cycle: further breakdown of sugar molecules

2.3. Electron Transport Chain: final production of ATP

3. Amount of ATP Made

3.1. In total, 36 ATP molecules are made

3.2. Glycolysis: 2 ATP made

3.3. Krebs Cycle/Citric Acid Cycle: 2 ATP made

3.4. Electron Transport Chain: 32 ATP made