Aerospace Engineering

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Aerospace Engineering by Mind Map: Aerospace Engineering

1. Future Endeavors

1.1. Create

1.1.1. Design a human occupied spacecraft to get to Mars

1.2. Explore

1.2.1. Become an astronaut and explore extraterrestrial bodies

2. Why Aerospace for me?

2.1. Want to be astronaut

2.1.1. Goal since child after seeing Buzz Lightyear

2.2. Interested in space and other planets

2.2.1. Life on other planets?

2.2.2. Possible energy resources?

2.3. Best subjects are math/ science

2.3.1. Might as well do what I'm good at

2.3.2. Don't want to teach Engineering fits these subjects well

3. Job Opportunities

3.1. Government

3.1.1. NASA

3.1.2. Department of Defense

3.2. Private/ Commercial

3.2.1. SpaceX

3.2.2. Boeing

3.2.3. Blue Origins

3.2.4. Virgin Galactic

4. Main Branches

4.1. Astronautical Engineering

4.1.1. Spacecraft Design

4.1.2. Astrodynamics

4.1.3. Propulsion/ Power

4.1.4. Controls

4.1.5. Space Environment

4.2. Aeronautical Engineering

4.2.1. Aviation

4.2.2. Aerodynamics

4.2.3. Controls

4.2.4. Earth atmosphere