Course Curriculum: Urban Education

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Course Curriculum: Urban Education por Mind Map: Course Curriculum: Urban Education

1. Education

1.1. Purposes of

1.1.1. Political

1.1.2. social

1.1.3. Economic

1.2. Parts of

1.2.1. Curriculum

1.2.2. Pedagogy

1.2.3. Assessment

2. American culture

2.1. Time

2.1.1. Commodity

2.2. Independence

2.3. Education

2.4. Work

2.5. Loss of craftsmanship/hard fun

2.5.1. American culture causes this

2.5.2. Product is more important then the process of learning

3. Ways of grouping people

3.1. Race

3.1.1. Physical

3.2. Ethnicity

3.2.1. Region

3.3. Social Economic Status

3.3.1. Income

3.3.2. Education

3.3.3. Power

4. Language

4.1. Expression

4.2. Communication

4.3. Spoken/ Unspoken

4.4. Power

4.5. System of symbols

5. Racism

5.1. Overt

5.2. Covert

5.3. Adversive Racism

5.4. Jena 6

6. Socialization

6.1. Family

6.1.1. Long term goals

6.2. Peers

6.2.1. Short term goals

6.3. School

6.3.1. Norms

7. Cultures

7.1. Individualism

7.1.1. Western belief

7.1.2. Self oriented

7.2. Collectivism

7.2.1. Eastern belief

7.2.2. Family oriented

8. Teaching skills

8.1. Create independent thinkers

8.2. Lesson planning

8.3. Find common values

8.4. One human race

9. American history

9.1. Thanksgiving

9.1.1. Lies: School

9.1.2. Truth: Historic

10. Philosophy

10.1. Metaphysics

10.1.1. Existence

10.2. Epistemology

10.2.1. Logic

10.3. Axiology

10.3.1. Ethics

10.3.2. Morality

10.3.3. Aesthetics

11. Emergent curriculum

11.1. Hard Fun

11.2. Craftsmanship