urban education

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urban education by Mind Map: urban education

1. Purpose of public education

2. 1) Political- Participating in Democracy

3. 2) Social- Norms of society

4. 3) Economic- Create a reliable workforce

5. Collectivisim

6. Cooperation and group harmony take priority over purely personal goals

7. Individualism

8. Personal goals and preferences take priority over group allegiances

9. Agents of Socialization

10. 1) Family- most important

11. 1) Family- most important

12. 2) School

13. 3) Peer Groups

14. 1)Course of Study/Content

15. Parts Of Education

16. 2) Evidence of Understanding

17. 3) Pedagogy- Learning/Teaching

18. Urban Schools

19. 1) Ethnicity- internal

20. 2) Race- physical differences- external

21. 3) Socio Economic Status

22. Culture

23. Patterns of behavior (values,attitudes,beliefs..) passed on through generations

24. Binds and holds people together over time

25. Socialization

26. Lifelong social experience by which individuals learn their role in society