NWG 2013

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NWG 2013 by Mind Map: NWG 2013

1. CleanMed

1.1. 2014 Climate Panel

1.2. HSM & CB Awards

1.3. Nurse Networking

1.4. Local outreach / Noah Rohrer

2. Community Engagement

2.1. Community benefit

2.2. Build a model Community Benefit program

3. NWG Infrastructure

3.1. Luminary Project

3.2. Google Groups

3.3. Databases

3.4. Mentor / Precept / Soft Outreach

3.4.1. Nurses engaged in Climate Work / Wellness Initiatives

3.5. Communications

3.5.1. Quarterly Digest Highlight nurses w/in target hospitals engaged in: climate initiativescommunity benefit/wellness programs

3.5.2. NWG webpage

3.5.3. Facebook posts

3.5.4. HCWH Blog posts


4.1. Magnet - Linking Wellness,Sustainability, & Leadership

4.2. Monthly calls

4.3. Coordination of work between HCWH & ANHE

5. Employee Engagement

5.1. Climate Literacy Program

5.1.1. Assessment Evaluate 2012 Climate Webinar feedback Review (lit, best practices, other models, etc.)

5.1.2. Development SNAs Wellness Staff - Emp Health Nurses?

5.1.3. Implementation HPHP - Employee Wellness Programs Level 1 - Climate & Health Level 2 - Sustainability & Wellness

5.2. SNAs

5.2.1. Identify collaborators

5.2.2. Develop collective bargaining language

5.3. PSR - Joining nurses & MDs around an issue

6. Institutional Engagement

6.1. Identify & Engage Nurse Leaders in our pilot projects - "publicizing the good work"

6.2. Research "climate initiatives"

6.3. Hospital pilot project