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Theories by Mind Map: Theories

1. Technology Theories

1.1. Media Ecology

1.1.1. -is the idea that technology plays a primary role in learning and communication

1.1.2. -a study of media in diverse environments

1.1.3. -the study of how technology affects human perception and understanding

1.1.4. -says that technology does not influence society but controls it

1.2. SCOT

1.2.1. -basis of theory says technology does not shape humans but humans shape technology

1.2.2. -sometimes referred to as technological constructivism


2.1. -is the interplay between 3 different forms of knowledge (Content, pedagogy, technology)

2.2. -recognizes the new links between the different forms of knowledge (Pedagogical Content knowledge, Technological Content Knowledge, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)

2.3. -ven diagram image shows the relationships between the different forms of knowledge

3. Philosophy of Teachnology

3.1. -summarizes a teachers' beliefs about integrating technology in the classroom

3.2. -teachers ask themselves how they can use technology in their classroom in an appropriate manner

4. Learning Theories

4.1. Constructivism

4.1.1. -an active learning style

4.1.2. -people construct their own realities through past knowledge

4.1.3. -states that learning is active (cannot acquire knowledge)

4.1.4. -learners apply their personal experiences to their environment -learners brought up differently will have different experiences contributing to the diversity of the classroom

4.2. Cognitive Load

4.2.1. -idea that our working memory is limited to how much information it can hold -leaners are encouraged to use their -based on informati

4.3. Connectivism

4.3.1. -theory describes that knowledge is not about the content being learned, but about making connections

4.3.2. -understanding is forming patterns of recognition -connecting activities of subjects will help students to learn