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Theories by Mind Map: Theories

1. Technological

1.1. Media Ecology

1.1.1. Technology influences Society

1.1.2. New technology shapes how students learn. i.e. Many students use tablets/laptops/handheld devices to complete homework or other tasks in class

1.1.3. Technology affects the way we see the world Therefore, it affects how students view the world and how they learn as a result

1.2. SCOT

1.2.1. Social Construction of Technology

1.2.2. Society influences technology

1.2.3. Increased desire to efficiently create mind maps, make connections etc. has lead to sites like prezi or twitter

1.2.4. Success or failure of a technology is socially determined Sites like facebook and twitter succeed because they are safe and easy to use. They also succeed because there is a human desire/demand for the technology


2.1. Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge

2.1.1. Technology

2.1.2. Content

2.1.3. Pedagogy

2.2. Identifies the knowledge that teachers need in order to teach effectively with technology

2.3. Technology, Content, and Pedagogical knowledge all connect with one another

2.3.1. Pedagogy and technology knowledge The affordances and constraints of technology as an enabler of different teaching approaches In a lecture, powerpoints and video's often aid in teaching

2.3.2. Pedagogy content knowledge The different approaches to teaching content that we take to help students Example: In science, experiments are often a good method of teaching the content. Students get a hands-on approach based on discovery learning

2.3.3. Technological content knowledge How technology can be used to effectively teach content.

3. Learning

3.1. Behaviourism

3.1.1. Learning based on idea that the mind is like a blank slate

3.1.2. Uses stimulus-response teaching methods(Reinforcements, Punishments, consequences)resulting in an increase in desirable behaviours and decrease in undesirable behaviours.

3.1.3. Direct instruction where teacher lectures and often repeats information until it is memorized by the students times tables Mathblaster, iclickers

3.2. Cognitivism

3.2.1. Mind is like a computer

3.2.2. Practice for retention. Uses organization and mnuemonic devices to help incorporate ideas into long term memory. My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets(mercury, venus, earth, saturn, uranus, neptune, [pluto])

3.3. Constructivism

3.3.1. Mind is like a web

3.3.2. Learning is building connections by interaction. Students understand concepts better when they can build off of knowledge they already know collaborative, teacher as facilitator Lego Robotics, Google sites, etc.

3.4. Connectivism

3.4.1. Learning theory for the digital age

3.4.2. Learning occurs when networks are established technology used as a resource to aid learning Twitter, facebook, search engines, etc. become a great resource for learning

4. Philosophy of Teachnology

4.1. Takes philosophy of teaching and includes views about the role technology should play in the classroom and learning process

4.2. Details personal values and beliefs about teaching and learning

4.2.1. How does technology play into this?

4.3. written statements that help me stay focused on how I want to teach

4.4. My philosophy of teachnology can help me reflect.

4.4.1. Have I been following my philosophy?

4.4.2. Has my philosophy changed over the semester? What happened to make my philosophy change?