Learning Tool

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Learning Tool by Mind Map: Learning Tool

1. Blogging & Wiki Tools

1.1. Blogging

1.1.1. WordPress

1.1.2. Blogger/Blogspot

1.1.3. Edublogs

1.1.4. Tumblr

1.2. Wiki

1.2.1. Wikispaces

1.2.2. Google Sites

1.2.3. PB Works

2. Video, Audio & Image Tools

2.1. Video

2.1.1. YouTube

2.1.2. TED Talks

2.1.3. Khan Academy

2.1.4. Vimeo

2.2. Audio

2.2.1. Audacity

2.2.2. iTunes and iTunesU

2.3. Photo / image

2.3.1. Fickr

2.3.2. Adobe Photoshop

2.4. Screencapture / Screencasting

2.4.1. Jing

2.4.2. Camtasia

2.4.3. Snagit

2.4.4. Screenr

2.5. Moviemaking

2.5.1. MovieMaker

2.5.2. iMovie

3. Bookmarking & Curation

3.1. Pinning

3.1.1. Pinterest

3.1.2. Learnist

3.2. Bookmarking

3.2.1. Diigo

3.2.2. Delicious

3.3. Read it later tools

3.3.1. Instapater

3.3.2. Pocket

3.4. Curation tools

3.4.1. Scoopit

3.4.2. Flipboard

3.4.3. Zite

3.4.4. Pater.li

4. Office Tools

4.1. Suites

4.1.1. Google Docs/Drive

4.1.2. OpenOffice

4.2. Document

4.2.1. Word

4.2.2. Scribd

4.3. Presentation

4.3.1. PowerPoint

4.3.2. Slideshare

4.3.3. Prezi

4.3.4. Poll Everywhere

4.4. Spreadsheet

4.4.1. Excel

4.5. Email

4.5.1. Gmail

4.5.2. Outlook

5. Note-taking & Mindmapping

5.1. Note-taking

5.1.1. Evernote

5.1.2. OneNote

5.2. Mindmapping

5.2.1. Minderister

5.2.2. Mindjet

6. Networking & Collaboration Platform

6.1. Public Social networks

6.1.1. Twitter

6.1.2. Facebook

6.1.3. Google+

6.1.4. LinkedIn

6.2. Educational & Enterprise social networks

6.2.1. Edmodo

6.2.2. Buddypress

6.2.3. Ning

6.3. Collaboration Platforms

6.3.1. SharePoint

6.3.2. Google Apps

7. Instructional Tools

7.1. Authoring tools

7.1.1. Camtasia

7.1.2. Articulate

7.1.3. Adobe Captivate

7.1.4. Udutu

7.2. Learning platforms

7.2.1. Moodle

7.2.2. eFront

7.2.3. Blackboard

7.3. ePortfolio platforms

7.3.1. Mahara

8. Educational Tools

8.1. Classroom

8.1.1. EduGlogster

8.1.2. Voicethread

8.1.3. Animoto

8.1.4. Quizlet

8.1.5. Wordle

8.1.6. Symbaloo Edu

8.1.7. Voki

8.2. Noticeboards

8.2.1. Wallwisher

8.2.2. Lino

8.2.3. Popplet

8.3. Organizers

8.3.1. Livebinders

8.3.2. Symbaloo

8.3.3. MentorMob

9. Live Communication Tools

9.1. Personal tools

9.1.1. Skype

9.2. Web conferencing

9.2.1. Adobe Connect

9.2.2. Blackboard Collaborate

9.2.3. WebEx

10. Devices & Synchronization

10.1. Mobile devices & apps

10.1.1. iPad and Apps

10.1.2. Kindle

10.1.3. iPhone and apps

10.1.4. Android phones and tablets

10.2. File synchronization & cloud storage

10.2.1. Dropbox

10.2.2. Windows Skydrive

11. Browsers, Readers & Dashboards

11.1. Web Browsers

11.1.1. Google Chrome

11.1.2. Firefox and addons

11.2. Social Media Dashboards

11.2.1. Tweetdeck

11.2.2. Hootsuite

11.3. RSS Readers

11.3.1. Google Reader

12. Productivity Tools

12.1. Search / Research

12.1.1. Google Search

12.1.2. Wikipedia

12.1.3. Google Scholra

12.1.4. Bing

12.2. Miscellaneous

12.2.1. Google Maps

12.2.2. SurveyMonkey

12.2.3. Google Tranlate

12.2.4. Doodle

12.2.5. Quora