Theories and Teaching

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Theories and Teaching por Mind Map: Theories and Teaching


2. Technology Theories

2.1. SCOT

2.1.1. people influence technology, technology does not shape people

2.1.2. relationships between technology and society

2.1.3. methodology

2.1.4. differences in interpretations - bicycle tire

2.1.5. closure - problems are either resolved or redefined

2.2. Media Ecology

2.2.1. media environments

2.2.2. technology influences people and learning

2.2.3. how media affects human perception


3.1. Integrating technology into classrooms and balancing the 3 types of knowledge

3.2. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

3.3. Technology to enhance learning rather than only make teaching more efficient

3.4. Note: contexts taken into account when discussing TPCK

3.5. Ideally, teaching using all knowledge successfully

4. Philosophy of Teachnology

4.1. Similar to philosophy of teaching with technology

4.2. Teachers develop Philosophy of Teachnology over time

4.3. How a teacher uses technological, pedagogical and technological knowledge

4.4. Teaching and learning with technology

5. Learning Theories

5.1. Behaviourism

5.1.1. Stimulus-Response

5.1.2. Classical conditioning

5.1.3. Operant conditioning

5.1.4. people are passive learners

5.1.5. rewards and punishments change behaviour and therefore the learner and learning

5.1.6. repetition is an effective tool

5.1.7. teachers need to use rewards/punishments inappropriately

5.2. Cognitivism

5.2.1. schema and scaffolding

5.2.2. data → working memory ⇌ long-term memory

5.2.3. mnemonic devices and mental maps are effective

5.2.4. active learning

5.2.5. over and under load can prevent learning

5.2.6. Types of cognitive load: Extraneous - how information is delivered Intrinsic - the task Germane - processing and constructing schemas

5.2.7. teachers need to be aware of the information being presented to avoid under/over load

5.3. Connectivism

5.3.1. connecting information from network sources

5.3.2. knowing where information is rather than actual facts

5.3.3. diversities of opinion

5.3.4. current knowledge is key

5.3.5. learners are not passive

5.3.6. teachers need to find an accurate way to assess students' ability to connect ideas

5.4. Constructivism

5.4.1. Zone of Proximal Development

5.4.2. teachers are facilitators

5.4.3. mind is a network full of connections

5.4.4. personal experiences important

5.4.5. previous knowledge is a foundation for new learning

5.4.6. challenges and problem solving

5.4.7. learning is subjective and therefore hard to assess

5.4.8. teaching and learning is time consuming