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Theories by Mind Map: Theories

1. Learning Theories

1.1. Connectivism

1.1.1. Learning is based off of building networks and connections with information

1.1.2. Knowledge and information does not exist within a single individual, but through connections made with others and whatever resources are avaliable

1.1.3. Encourages interactions with technology

1.1.4. Teachers act more as an aide to help students find information instead of provide students with information to memorize

1.1.5. Learning is when new information is built upon previously learned information

1.2. Constructivism

1.2.1. Human learning is constructed: learners build new knowledge upon the foundation of previous learning.

1.2.2. Pre-existing knowledge will influence what new or modified knowledge will be constructed

1.2.3. When current understandings are challenged, learners may change or adapt understandings to accommodate new experiences

1.2.4. Teachers support learning through active learning such as problem solving. This helps students construct new meanings and understandings.

1.2.5. Collaboration allows each learner to share their perspective and frameworks then collectively negotiate meanings and situations through shared understanding

1.3. Cognitive Load

1.3.1. Limits of the Working Memory Human learning is constructed: learners build new knowledge upon the foundation of previous learning. Human learning is constructed: learners build new knowledge upon the foundation of previous learning.

1.3.2. The working memory can only hold 7 pieces of disconnected information at one time; teachers must be careful not to overload the working memory

1.3.3. If the working memory is overloaded, information will go straight to the long term memory and information will not be stored

1.3.4. For learning to occur information must pass through the working memory then into the long term memory.

1.4. Behavioralism

1.4.1. Responding to direct stimuli

1.4.2. Learning happens when a stimulated response is associated with an unstimulated response.

1.4.3. Teachers must decide on the most appropriate positive and negative consequence for specific behaviors

1.4.4. Teachers must be consistent when distributing positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishments to enforce behaviors

2. Technology Theories

2.1. Social Construction of Technology(SCOT)

2.1.1. Human activity is shaped by technology; we can not understand what a technology is and how it is used without trying to understan how it is engrained in human culture.

2.1.2. There is no definite use for any specific technology; each individual may use a piece of technology differently

2.1.3. Humans influence what technologies are created. Technology with no purpose would not be created

2.2. Media Ecology

2.2.1. Media is the world we live in as it influences all aspects of our lives

2.2.2. Concerned with the interactions between media. technology and people and how it effects human culture

3. Philosophy of Teachnology

3.1. A teachers personal philosophy of how technology should be incorporated in the classroom

3.2. Can be presented as a written statement

3.3. Can include specific examples of when and where a teacher would use technology

4. Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK)

4.1. The interplay between Technology, pedagogy and content knowledge

4.2. Main goal is to no longer view each as a separate entity but instead to master a complex interplay between all three

4.3. Teachers can use the framework to decide how to integrate technology efficiently and effectively into the classroom to enhance learning and lesson plans