Electromagnetic Waves

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Electromagnetic Waves by Mind Map: Electromagnetic Waves

1. Electromagnetic Spectrum

1.1. Consist of electromagnetic waves of a continuous range of frequencies

1.2. The higher the frequency

1.2.1. The greater amount of energy carried by the the electromagnetic wave

1.2.2. The lower the wavelength

2. Types of waves

2.1. Radio waves

2.1.1. Remote controls

2.1.2. Walkie-talkie

2.2. Microwaves

2.2.1. Oven to heat food

2.2.2. Mobile phones

2.3. Infrared

2.3.1. Thermal imaging camera

2.3.2. Military night vision googles

2.4. Visible light

2.4.1. Optical fibres

2.4.2. Light photography

2.5. Ultra-violet rays

2.5.1. Attract pollinators

2.5.2. Security

2.6. X-ray

2.6.1. Scanners

2.6.2. X ray

2.7. Gamma rays

2.7.1. Medical tools sterilised with gamma rays

2.7.2. medical tools

3. Properties

3.1. Transverse waves

3.2. Does not require medium

3.3. Travel at constant speed of 3.0 x 10^8

3.4. Obey laws of reflection and refraction

4. General Wave Equation

4.1. Speed of light = Wavelength/Period

4.2. Speed of light = Frequency x Wavelength

5. Radiation

5.1. cancer

5.2. faulty genetic material being passed down to offspring