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Pollution by Mind Map: Pollution

1. Jobs

1.1. Sanitary

1.1.1. Creates Jobs for cleaning up places

1.2. Medical

1.2.1. Treating patients with effects from pollution

2. Water Pollution

2.1. Sediment Erosion

2.1.1. Task 1

2.1.2. Task 2

2.2. Littering

2.2.1. Call 1

2.2.2. Call 2

2.3. Leaching to Water supply

2.3.1. Meeting 1

2.3.2. Meeting 2

3. RadioactivePollution

3.1. Nuclear power plants

3.1.1. Task 1

3.1.2. Task 2

3.2. Waste Disposal

3.2.1. Call 1

3.2.2. Call 2

3.3. Uranium Mining

3.3.1. Meeting 1

3.3.2. Meeting 2

4. Visual Pollution

4.1. Construction Areas

4.1.1. Task 1

4.1.2. Task 2

4.2. Neglected areas such as abandoned buildings

5. Thermal Pollution

5.1. Power Plants

5.1.1. Power plants

5.1.2. Task 2

5.2. Deforestation

5.2.1. Call 1

5.2.2. Call 2

5.3. Air pollution

5.3.1. Meeting 1

5.3.2. Meeting 2

6. Positives?