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Plugin-Creation by Mind Map: Plugin-Creation

1. Language Support

1.1. Articles

1.1.1. I18n for WordPress Developers

1.1.2. Translating WordPress Plugin Details

1.1.3. How To Localize WordPress Themes and Plugins

1.2. wordpress-i18n tools

1.3. Codestyling Localization

2. Templates

2.1. WordPress-Widget-Boilerplate

2.1.1. GPLv2

2.2. WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate

2.2.1. GPLv2

2.3. WordPress-Settings-Sandbox

2.3.1. GPLv2

2.4. Object Oriented Plugin Template Solution

2.4.1. GPLv2

2.5. DX Plugin Base

2.5.1. GPLv2

2.6. Developer by Automattic

2.6.1. GitHub GPLv2

2.7. Carrington Core

2.7.1. GitHub GPL

2.8. Sunrise

2.8.1. GitHub GPLv3

2.9. wordpress-plugin-base

2.9.1. GitHub GPLv2

2.9.2. FooPlugins Base

3. Settings API

3.1. Using The Settings API: Part 1 – Create A Theme Options Page

3.1.1. Using the Settings API – Part 2: Create A Top Level Admin Menu

3.2. Settings API (Framework in Plugin-Form)

4. Additional Link in Plugins

4.1. Set Meta Links For WordPress Plugins

4.2. Creating Additional WordPress Plugin Links Row Meta

4.3. Meta Links bei WordPress Plugins

5. General Tutorials

5.1. WP – Tutorial, wir schreiben ein simples WP-Plugin

5.2. 7 Simple Rules: WordPress Plugin Development Best Practices

5.3. WordPress Coding Standards

5.4. Data Validation With WordPress

5.5. WordPress Plugin selber erstellen Tutorial

5.6. Easily Customize WordPress’ Default Functionality

5.7. How To Improve Your WordPress Plugin’s Readme.txt

6. MIXED Stuff

6.1. How to pass variable to add_settings_section() callback?

6.2. Plugin File Doctor

6.3. Plugins Needed for WordPress Developers