Conventions of Romantic Comedies

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Conventions of Romantic Comedies by Mind Map: Conventions of Romantic Comedies

1. everyday events for both charaters in the opening

2. the couple meeting for the first time

3. Setting

3.1. park

3.1.1. school

3.2. home

3.2.1. work street

4. One or both characters unhappy with their current situation/ relationship

5. Music

5.1. Piano

5.2. Romantic

5.2.1. soft/calming

5.3. of the time

5.3.1. popular

6. Credits

6.1. uniform

6.1.1. simple

6.2. playful

6.2.1. animated

6.3. elegant

6.3.1. fancy

7. Characters

7.1. girl/boy

7.1.1. everyday clothing

7.2. Period setting?

7.3. seperate lives

7.3.1. suggested meeting

7.4. ideal/perfect couple

7.4.1. reconciliation