TPACK & Philosophy of Teaching

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TPACK & Philosophy of Teaching by Mind Map: TPACK & Philosophy of Teaching

1. PK: Pedagogical Knowledge

1.1. How to teach

1.2. Making suitable activities for outcomes

1.3. Make sure activities are clear

1.4. Activities are suitable to how students learn

2. CK: Content Knowledge

2.1. Knowledge about subject

2.2. How much you know about what you are teaching

2.3. Able to provide information and resources for students to learn the content you are trying to teach

3. TK: Technological Knowledge

3.1. Knowledge of technology

3.2. Knowledge of technology tools

3.3. Knowing how to use the tools and technological resources

3.4. Making sure you know the tool will accomplish what you are expecting it to

4. Philosophy of Teaching

4.1. Your beliefs or ideas about your teaching practice

5. Philosophy of Teachnology

5.1. Your belief or ideas on how technology should be used and integrated in your teaching practice