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plot by Mind Map: plot


2. see notes when writing script

3. addiction

3.1. what is an addiction

3.2. salt addiction

3.3. sugar addiction

3.4. comparison

4. reasons

4.1. what causes the addictions

4.2. what foods cause addiction

4.3. what are the side-affects or results of the addiction

4.3.1. physical

4.3.2. mental

4.4. how to figure out if you have an addiction

4.5. who is likely to get addictions

4.5.1. race

4.5.2. weight

4.5.3. previous health conditions

5. alternatives

5.1. what to do if you have an addiction

5.2. how to prevent an addiction

5.3. foods you should eat instead

6. credits

7. Scenes pt. 1

7.1. pan around salty/sugary POPULAR foods

7.1.1. chips, monster, skittles, popcorn, nachos, ect w/ music in bg

7.2. facts/visuals about what an addiction is

7.3. facts/visuals about (individually) salt/sugar addictions and comparisons

7.4. lead into pt. 2

7.4.1. transition?

8. Scenes pt. 2