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TORONTO EVENT ASSEMBLY #8 Greener Events by Mind Map: TORONTO EVENT ASSEMBLY #8 Greener Events

1. people

1.1. Solène - Sponsorship Events

1.2. Sari - Marketing

1.3. Melo - Sales

1.4. Hugo - Sport Events

1.5. Rebecca - Hospitality Events

1.6. Veronica - Event Marketing

1.7. Chris - Atendy

1.8. Sheena - Atendy

1.9. Jerome - Atendy

2. label

2.1. bullfrogpower

3. Team

3.1. In charge for sustainability

4. 2nd most wasteful industry

5. Technology

5.1. Solar pannel stored energy

6. Go Digital

6.1. Marketing

6.1.1. Facebook/Twitter

6.2. FloorPlan

6.2.1. Mobile app

6.3. Program

6.4. Business cards

6.4.1. Atendy Profiles

6.5. Sponsor docs

6.6. Registration on tablets