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Design a Park by Mind Map: Design a Park

1. Science

1.1. Year 7

1.2. Year 8

1.3. Year 9

1.3.1. ACSSU176 Field studies at the park to discover the local biodiversity and any species that need protection Natural history books and surveys to determine how park species interact in the ecosystem

1.3.2. ACSSU179 Study how a fire impacts the ecosystem --> combustion as energy transfer out of the system

1.3.3. ACSSU180 Australia's unique biodiversity is due in part to its unique history --> plate tectonics & biogeography

1.3.4. ACSHE228 People enjoy the use of parks for recreation; this must be balanced against protection of natural and cultural resources

1.3.5. ACSIS174 Communicate to a variety of audiences: management plan (government); interpretative materials (public); blogs (school mates)

2. Maths

2.1. Year 7

2.2. Year 8

2.3. Year 9

2.3.1. ACMSP227 Field studies of population biology at the Park including indices for estimating total population numbers based on a quadrant survey

2.3.2. ACMSP228 Field studies of habitat and diversity include both categorical and numerical values

2.3.3. ACMSP282 Learning to use different graphs to display the different data and learning to interpret these graphs

2.3.4. ACMSP283 Comparing data across different areas of the park to determine which areas need more management and which most important to preserve


3.1. Year 7

3.2. Year 8

3.3. Year 9

4. English

4.1. Year 7

4.2. Year 8

4.3. Year 9

5. Literacy

5.1. Reading and evaluating park management plans --> creating a management plan for their Park

5.1.1. maps

5.1.2. prioritising & compromise

5.1.3. field study reports

5.2. Reading natural history books, species identification books --> creating a blog that describes their park

5.2.1. Nature writing books

5.2.2. Keeping a field journal

5.3. Reading and evaluating interpretive material at other parks --> Using this to design and create interpretive material for their Park

5.3.1. signs

5.3.2. websites

5.3.3. factsheets

5.3.4. talks/podcasts

5.4. Reading newspaper articles and blogs about the area --> designing advertising material to sell their park to the public

5.5. National Year of Reading

5.5.1. NT Writer in Residence --> Ranger stories from a Joint Management Park

5.5.2. Listening to Country by Ros Moriarty

5.5.3. Hour of reading: set up an hour once a week where students read books relating to Parks or any of the above material.

6. ICT

6.1. Blogging to increase literacy

6.2. Data programs --> spreadsheets and graphing

6.3. Creating advertisement and informative signs

6.4. GIS & Google Earth maps of Park --> management plan development

7. Social Capability

8. Sustainability

8.1. Parks preserve natural, cultural, and heritage values --> students will learn to prioritise different uses of the same area and develop compromises to preserve the integrity of the site.

8.2. International Year of Sustainable Energy for All

8.2.1. Designing a Park that is self-sufficient in Energy use; e.g. Solar panels to provide what power is needed at the park