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Renewable Energy by Mind Map: Renewable Energy

1. Science

1.1. Year 7

1.2. Year 8

1.3. Year 9

1.3.1. ACSSU177 Angela-Pamela debate --> Uranium mines and radioactivity: chemical explanation and why the waste is dangerous

1.3.2. ACSSU178 Chemical reactions (reactants and products) associated with each form of power generation --> fossil fuels, nuclear

1.3.3. ACSSU179 Explore how our methods of generating power relate to natural means such as respiration and photosynthesis

1.3.4. ACSSU182 Explore how solar energy works to convert light energy into electrical energy

1.3.5. ACSHE158 Explore how technology has changed to harness renewable energy resources

1.3.6. ACSHE161 Explore the new careers and frontiers for developing new technologies to improve our energy usage & reduce emissions

2. Maths

2.1. Year 7

2.2. Year 8

2.3. Year 9

2.3.1. ACMMG216 Calculating area of solar panels and the associated energy production possible Calculating available surface area of Northern facing school roofs for potential solar installation

2.3.2. ACMMG217 Calculating the amount and size of silicon crystal required to make mono-crystalline solar panels Calculating the amount of uranium in rods in a nuclear reactor and the mine size required to obtain this amount

2.3.3. ACMSP227 Comparing data from multiple different solar energy systems and comparing the efficiency of different technologies

2.3.4. ACMSP282 Graphing the above data to compare systems and explore graphical expression of real data

2.3.5. ACMSP283 Comparing data statistically to determine technology efficiency as well as economy to select a technology recommendation for the school


3.1. Year 7

3.2. Year 8

3.3. Year 9

4. English

4.1. Year 7

4.2. Year 8

4.3. Year 9

5. Literacy

5.1. National Year of Reading

5.1.1. NT Writer in Residence --> Ranger stories from a Joint Management Park

5.1.2. Listening to Country by Ros Moriarty

5.1.3. Hour of reading: set up an hour once a week where students read books relating to sustainability and renewable energy.

5.2. Reading and discussing interpretive material at Desert Knowledge Solar Centre, Uterne Solar Farm, and Crowne Plaza Hotel

5.3. Designing a plan for increasing the School's sustainability and decreasing its ecological footprint

5.3.1. Energy audit of school

5.4. Developing a series of posters and/or podcasts to promote the proposed changes

5.5. Reading newspaper articles, environmental blogs, and mining proposals relating to the Angela-Pamela mine, coal seam gas mining, and the new shale oil field

5.5.1. Debating the merits of each side

5.5.2. Evaluating the environmental impact of different energy sources and creating a blog about sustainable energy

6. ICT

6.1. Blogging to increase literacy

6.2. Data programs --> spreadsheets and graphing

6.3. Creating advertisement and informative posters

6.4. PowerPoint presentations

7. Social Capability

7.1. Addressing current issues in Alice Springs & across Australia

7.1.1. Angela-Pamela Uranium mine

7.1.2. Alice Solar Cities & Regional Solar Power

7.1.3. Coal Seam Gas / Shale Oil mines

7.2. Where does Alice Springs Power come from?

8. Sustainability

8.1. International Year of Sustainable Energy for All

8.1.1. Universal Access Exploring how remote communities around Alice Springs get their power Mapping solar power systems across Central Australia and throughout remote Australia

8.1.2. Renewable Energy Exploring why different renewable energy sources are used in different parts of Australia Exploring why Alice Springs is a Solar City

8.1.3. Energy Efficiency Exploring how different technologies affect efficiency at Desert Knowledge Solar Centre Exploring how the school can become more energy efficient and proposing schemes to reduce the schools energy use

8.2. Exploring environmental issues associated with mining for both fossil fuels and for uranium

8.3. Embodied energy of different technologies