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1. Player Profile

1.1. Name, Position (Defense, midfield, attack), Country (League/Division), Club, Age, Height, Weight, Nationality, International matches/youth international matches, strengths (Free Kick, Speed, Heading etc. ), Civil status (Married, Single, children), Contract (expiry/length/free agent)

1.2. Upload photos and video clips

1.3. Link to external pages

1.4. CV

1.5. Presentation

1.6. Upload full length video clips if you pay

1.7. Match and goal statistics

1.8. "Edit" button to edit sections

2. Quick Search

2.1. Search option for: Position, Country, League/Division or name

2.2. Search by categories: Goalkeeper, Defender, Midfielder or Striker

2.2.1. When position is chosen, you can search by: Country, League/Division, Club, Name.

3. Advanced search

3.1. Position (Defense, midfield, attack), Country (League/Division), Club, Age, Height, Weight, Nationality, International matches/youth international matches, strengths (Free Kick, Speed, Heading etc. ), Civil status (Married, Single, children), Contract (expiry/length/free agent), preferred leg.

4. Message function

4.1. Compose Message

4.2. Conversation Overview

4.3. Swipe to delete conversation

4.4. Option to block user

4.5. Same structure as Facebook Messenger

5. Settings

5.1. Change Profile Details

5.2. Change password

5.3. Sign out

5.4. Helpt / FAQ

5.5. Post Feedback

5.6. Suggest new functions

6. Start

6.1. Log in

6.2. Create new user

6.3. Forgot password?

6.4. About Soccer database

6.5. Sponsor

7. Profile for Agent/Club

7.1. Info about Agent

7.2. References

7.3. CV

7.4. Picture of agent

7.5. Link to external Pages

7.6. Contact info

8. Profile with this info is shown when user/agent/club completes a search

8.1. Match and goal statistic

8.2. Presentation

8.3. CV

8.4. Link to external pages

8.5. Pictures and video clips

8.6. Name, Position (Defense, midfield, attack), Country (League/Division), Club, Age, Height, Weight, Nationality, International matches/youth international matches, strengths (Free Kick, Speed, Heading etc. ), Civil status (Married, Single, children), Contract (expiry/length/free agent)