GJIL Publishing!

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GJIL Publishing! by Mind Map: GJIL Publishing!

1. 2L STAFF (50ish)

2. The Web

2.1. Senior Online Content Editor

2.1.1. Online Content Editors (2)

3. Organizing and Events

3.1. Editor in Chief: Zoee

3.2. Development and Admin (2)

3.3. Symposium (2)

4. Publication

4.1. Managing Editors (2)

4.1.1. Executive Editors (10)

4.1.2. Executive Senior Editors (2 - each with 5 SEs) Senior Editors (10)

5. Content

5.1. Trade Editor

5.2. Sr. Notes Editor

5.2.1. Notes Editors (4)

5.3. Sr. Articles Editors

5.3.1. Article Editors (4)

5.4. Solicitation Editor