Pacific Islands

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Pacific Islands by Mind Map: Pacific Islands

1. Obligations to church/extended family

2. Spiritual beliefs

3. Physical exercise/diet mismatch

4. Pervasiveness of unhealthy food

4.1. Perception?

5. Unhealthy food habits

6. Traditional beliefs about size/status

7. Clean drinking water

7.1. For large groups

7.2. Child-friendly

7.3. Self-perpetuating

8. Food in schools

8.1. Recycled materials

8.2. Vegetable/fruit gardens

8.3. Complemented w/appropriate academic curricula

9. Improving physical activity levels

9.1. Schools

9.1.1. Science participation

9.1.2. Sports participation Improving accessibility Improving enjoyment

9.1.3. Social competition

9.2. Social activities linked to diet/physical activity

10. Infrastructure

10.1. Electricity

10.2. Water

10.3. Roads

10.4. Housing

10.5. Communications

10.6. Food

11. Natural disasters

12. Communicable disease

12.1. Rheumatic fever

13. Non-communicable disease

14. Natural geography

14.1. Access to healthcare

15. Improving networking

15.1. Between the islands

15.1.1. Satellite

15.1.2. Mobile phone

15.2. Within islands

15.3. Within healthcare system

15.3.1. Between PHO and patients

15.3.2. Between PHO and secondary care

16. Self-sufficiency

16.1. Electricity

16.2. Electrolysis (clean-water + electricity)

16.3. Exploiting natural disasters/geography

16.3.1. Seismic power generators

16.3.2. Wave machines

16.3.3. Wind machines

16.3.4. Solar power

16.4. Food production/consumption

16.5. Integrated design

17. Pacific-developed infrastructure

17.1. Integrated design