1. .
2. Introducing Our Team
2.1.1. THE CODE
2.1.2. THE PAPER
3. Our Superpower
3.1. BOSS
3.1.1. THE SUPER BRAIN Its super brain articulates the strategic positioning of our office. When this power is activated, he will be able to find new paths, overcome outside interference and keep the team protected.
3.1.2. THE GUNSMITH With almost a decade inside an intricate government structure - through his contacts, he manages to provide the team with heavy weapons (software - hardware) to combat cybercriminals.
3.1.3. THE METAMORPHO One second he can become a prosecutor and the next second he will be lecturing, writing and investigating. This power guarantees a small team with multiple personalities.
3.2.1. MULTI TYPING She is the connection between BOOS and CODE - she is able to interpret legal demands and convert them into investigative demands. He is able to use one hand to create a memo while the other hand creates complex reports to be sent to the Judges.
3.2.2. THE MORPHOBRAIN when this super power is activated, she will be able to leave the roles aside and act directly in the investigation - because, with her "out of the box" thinking, she can help the CODE to perceive "blind spots".
3.3.1. THE CHAOS Not much is known about this individual yet - he was recruited - however, not much is known about him himself - so his only ability is: He believes he can be anything (but, that hasn't been proven yet) - he just knows that he is a policeman - who was a programmer - but, there is not much information.....
4. Why 2023 Will Be Our Year
4.1. Our team is aligned;
4.2. Our procedures are aligned;
4.3. Our equipment is in working order;
5. What We're Going to Do
5.1. Start
5.1.1. We need to keep the energy high - keep up to date - and not forget that there are days we win and days we lose.
5.2. Stop
5.2.1. Boss is perfect (lol)
5.2.2. The Paper needs to cut ties with cosmic forces and focus more on this decaying land....
5.2.3. The Code needs to cut out coffee and lose weight...
5.3. Continue
5.3.1. Keep believing that we can make a difference - that when in doubt we will make mistakes and we will stand firm trying to create new ways to fight cybercrime.