TORONTO EVENT ASSEMBLY #2 Corporate sponsorship strategy

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TORONTO EVENT ASSEMBLY #2 Corporate sponsorship strategy by Mind Map: TORONTO EVENT ASSEMBLY #2 Corporate sponsorship strategy

1. People

1.1. Sheena - Event Student + CM Atendy

1.2. Carol - Event Planning Student

1.3. Ahmad - Co-founder Atendy

1.4. Chris - Co-Founder Atendy

1.5. Reza - New in Toronto!

1.6. Jerome - Co-Founder Atendy

1.7. Carol - Business coach for event planners

1.8. Richard - Intern Event Planner

1.9. Maryam - Publishing

2. Leverage your time

2.1. Marketplace for sponsors

2.1.1. SponsorHub

2.1.2. Sponsorist

2.2. Organize a meet up for potential sponsors?

2.3. Always ask for referrals

3. Over Deliver

3.1. Get evidence that you did

3.2. Photos, Videos, press articles

4. Plan with sponsors in mind

4.1. Who/When/Where/Why

4.2. Find the match

4.3. Create the Wow. Your event is a story

4.4. Be in your sponsor world

5. Be seen as a connector

5.1. Time for networking

5.2. Connect your community

5.3. You are not just a vendor

5.4. You sell an experience.

5.5. Book: The experience economy

6. Identify your assets

6.1. Be creative for logo placement

6.2. Clean Tag

7. Customise sponsor proposals

7.1. Have a strategy and tactics

7.2. Know your targets

7.3. Levels sponsorship

7.4. Create a template