Pastiche Brainstorming

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Pastiche Brainstorming by Mind Map: Pastiche Brainstorming

1. Overuse of Makeup among teenage girls

1.1. Eyeliner all day, every day

1.2. Mindset: Covering your face up to the point of being unrecognizable leads to beauty

2. School

2.1. Test-taking skills practiced more than critical thinking

2.1.1. Pastiche solution: take tests all throughout life or change the schooling system

2.2. Laptops used more for facebook than actual schoolwork

3. Eating Habits

3.1. Students eat junk food everyday

3.1.1. Increase the calories, fat and bad stuff of junk food to the point where those who eat junk food regularly will eventually die of obesity, leaving the healthy people alive Natural Selection Those who died from obesity can be recycled (as coats, pillows, taxidermy) Healthy people will be too scared to eat junk food

3.1.2. "eat healthy" plan failed Obesity is the 2nd most common avoidable death in America No one wants to eat only veggies People are too weak-willed, so why not help them?

3.1.3. Implant a weight sensor that shows a person's weight and fat percentage to everyone around him including himself (self-conscious) Force people into submission through social pressure

4. Arrogance

4.1. People always try to make themselves feel good by belittling others

4.1.1. Trash-talk and rumors

4.2. People try to look smart by talking about politics and current events as if they're analytical experts

5. Overemphasis on grades and colleges

5.1. Empty Sevice: People only join clubs for their resume and service hours

5.2. Mindset that a 3.9 is not good enough

5.3. Students take SAT Prep courses

5.3.1. SAT is an aptitude test, not an achievement test Not meant to "prep"

5.3.2. No longer shows pure natural ability but also knowledge from the prep courses and shortcuts for each section

5.4. People should enjoy high school while it lasts

5.5. School is about learning, not just getting good grades

5.6. Obsession with getting a good grade leads to cheating

5.7. More APs is better

5.7.1. Take APs or look stupid

5.7.2. Take APs even though an American college isn't an option