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Validity/Reliability by Mind Map: Validity/Reliability

1. measures items in one form of the test have in common with another form

2. Split-half method

2.1. The test is given in two halfs

3. Kuder-Richardson

4. Predictive validity

4.1. How well the test predicts future behavior

5. Criterion Related Validity

6. Construct Validity

6.1. Questions match the teaching

7. Concurrent criterion related

7.1. Administering the new test and the established test

8. Content Validity

8.1. Inspect questions

9. Internal Consistency

10. Test Retest

10.1. Test is given twice correlation determined

11. Alternative Forms

11.1. Two alternate forms of same test to same group

12. Validity

12.1. Does the test measure what it is supposed to measure

13. Relability