Controlled Assessment
por I Langton (Teacher)
1. L6 - Task 1
1.1. testing
1.1.1. evidence
2. L7 - Task 2a
2.1. understanding event driven programming
3. L8 - Task 2b
3.1. research - what are the events that can be detected?
4. L9 - Task 3 - Extending App
4.1. Line thickness changed
4.2. tested
5. L10 - Task 4
5.1. Default names - issues?
6. L11 - Task 5 - extending App
6.1. change background
6.2. evidence of testing
7. L12 - L15 - task 6 - new app
8. L16 - Task 7 - conclusion
8.1. comparing block programming to Python - effectiveness?
9. L17 - Produce report - print out
10. L1 - intro to the controlled assessment
10.1. go through pdf
10.1.1. controlled assessment
10.1.2. markscheme
10.2. open app inventor
10.2.1. check it all works
10.2.2. do a couple of tutorials
10.2.3. changing default names
11. L2 - app inventor
11.1. carry on with practice tutorials
12. L3 - testing
12.1. new blog
12.1.1. Usernumber - Initial-surname
12.2. testing
12.2.1. how do you test?
12.2.2. practice testing on previous apps
13. L4/5 - Task 1
13.1. Paintpot
13.1.1. screenshots
13.1.2. create app