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Copy of Shared leadership in public education to support evidence based practice: problem of practice by Mind Map: Copy of Shared leadership in public     education to support evidence     based practice: problem of practice

1. Shared leadership

1.1. What are the main compliments of this model

1.2. Would it be possible in a public education system

1.3. Pros and cons

1.4. Case studies in other public sectors

1.5. How do you staff in this model

1.5.1. What competencies are valued?

1.6. Professional development needed to make that change

1.7. How will know if tis working?

1.8. Impact of managerial reform (cpmr discussion paper)

1.9. Accountability

1.10. Types of leadership

2. Organizational culture

2.1. What types are there?

2.1.1. Idea of subcultures( McDermott :overcoming cultural barriers to sharing information ) Influenced by the organization structure Visible vs invisible culture

2.2. What type of culture in present in a public education system

2.2.1. What is particular about it vs private sector

2.2.2. Define public administration in canada

2.2.3. Define private administration

2.2.4. Dominant culture seems to be hierarchical

2.3. What elements do you need to make a change in culture

2.4. What impact does culture really have on organizational change?

2.5. Organizational culture index

2.6. Relationship of culture and leadership

2.7. Schein

2.7.1. Definition

3. Coaching

3.1. An effective form of professional development in a context of shared leadership

3.2. Description of coaching

3.3. Pros and cons

4. Evidence based practice

4.1. Would shared leadership support this approach

4.2. What is evidence based practice