Chiang Mai

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Chiang Mai by Mind Map: Chiang Mai

1. Elephants

1.1. Elephant ride

1.1.1. Unmanned elephant Almost fell off the elephant

1.2. Bathing the elephants

1.3. Feeding the elephants

2. Temples

2.1. Doi Sutep temple

2.1.1. Golden dome with remains of buddah

2.1.2. One hour car ride up the mountain

3. Night Market

3.1. Rained the first night

3.1.1. Scramble to pack up store

3.1.2. Went back to hotel early

3.1.3. Windy and the leaves were hitting people

3.2. Friend bought something that broke even before the end of the trip

4. School

4.1. Welcome performance

4.2. Donating toys and crayons to the school

5. Silk Factory

5.1. Looked at how they made silk from silk worm cocoons

5.2. Expensive products of silk

6. Tuk Tuk Ride

6.1. Police escort

6.2. To temple then to the restaurant