mHealth Evidence Taxonomy

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mHealth Evidence Taxonomy by Mind Map: mHealth Evidence Taxonomy

1. Stage of development

1.1. Pre-prototype

1.2. Prototype

1.3. Pilot

1.4. Limited demonstration

1.5. Scaled demonstration

1.6. Integration

2. Target User

2.1. Client

2.2. Social support network

2.3. Facility-based health worker

2.4. Community-based health worker

2.5. Manager

3. Beneficiary age range

3.1. Newborn

3.2. Infant

3.3. Toddler

3.4. Child

3.5. Young people (10-24)

3.6. Adult

3.7. Senior

4. Special population

4.1. At-risk

4.2. Children < 5 years

4.3. Correctional

4.4. Disabled

4.5. Drug users

4.6. Family

4.7. Immigrant and refugee

4.8. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender

4.9. Men

4.10. Orphans and vulnerable children

4.11. Parent

4.12. Racial and ethnic minorities

4.13. Rural

4.14. Students

4.15. Urban

4.16. Workforce

4.17. Women

5. Care Model

5.1. Preventive

5.1.1. Routine well-health visits

5.1.2. Educational instruction

5.2. Short-term

5.2.1. Care of mild illnesses with brief duration of treatment

5.2.2. Care of minor trauma

5.2.3. Care of quickly treatable infections

5.3. Acute or emergency

5.3.1. Care of severe illnesses or trauma

5.3.2. Care of life threatening illness or trauma

5.4. Continuous

5.4.1. Care of chronic conditions

5.4.2. Care of illnesses with longer duration of treatment

6. Location

6.1. Africa

6.1.1. Eastern Africa

6.1.2. Central Africa

6.1.3. Northern Africa

6.1.4. Southern Africa

6.1.5. Western Africa

6.2. Americas

6.2.1. Caribbean

6.2.2. Central America

6.2.3. South America

6.2.4. Northern America

6.3. Asia

6.3.1. Central Asia

6.3.2. Eastern Asia

6.3.3. Southern Asia

6.3.4. South-eastern Asia

6.3.5. Western Asia

6.4. Europe

6.4.1. Eastern Europe

6.4.2. Northern Europe

6.4.3. Southern Europe

6.4.4. Western Europe

6.5. Oceania

6.5.1. Australia and New Zealand

6.5.2. Melanesia

6.5.3. Micronesia

6.5.4. Polynesia

7. Stage of evaluation

7.1. Feasibility and usability

7.1.1. Descriptive qualitative

7.1.2. Cross sectional descriptive survey

7.2. Efficacy

7.2.1. Cohort study

7.2.2. Cross sectional analytic

7.2.3. Case-control study

7.3. Effectiveness

7.3.1. Randomized parallel groups

7.3.2. Randomized crossover

7.3.3. Stepped wedge design

7.4. Implementation science

8. Health System Application

8.1. *Client education and behavior change communication

8.1.1. Mass messaging campaigns

8.1.2. Hotlines and information services

8.1.3. Appointment reminders

8.1.4. Medication adherence

8.1.5. General wellness

8.2. Workforce development and support

8.2.1. *Provider training and education

8.2.2. *Provider work planning and scheduling

8.2.3. *Human resource management

8.2.4. Supportive supervision

8.2.5. Constituent feedback on service quality

8.3. Service delivery

8.3.1. *Electronic decision support

8.3.2. *Provider to provider communication

8.3.3. Remote client-to-provider consultations (Telemedicine)

8.3.4. Disease prevention

8.3.5. Disease diagnosis/Point-of-care diagnostics

8.4. Information systems

8.4.1. *Data collection and reporting

8.4.2. *Electronic health records

8.4.3. *Registries / Vital events tracking

8.4.4. Service delivery statistics

8.4.5. Surveillance

8.4.6. Household surveys

8.5. *Financial transactions and incentives

8.5.1. Payment for services

8.5.2. Conditional cash transfers

8.5.3. Savings accounts

8.5.4. Insurance

8.5.5. Performance-based incentives

8.6. *Supply chain management

8.6.1. Cold chain management

8.6.2. Stock out prevention

8.6.3. Counterfeit prevention

8.6.4. Maintenance of equipment

8.7. Governance

8.7.1. Constituent feedback on service quality

8.7.2. *Human resource management

8.7.3. *Provider workplanning and scheduling

9. Technology

9.1. Channel

9.1.1. Voice

9.1.2. SMS

9.1.3. MMS

9.1.4. Internet

9.1.5. Bluetooth

9.1.6. RF/NFC

9.2. Content format

9.2.1. Text

9.2.2. Image

9.2.3. Audio

9.2.4. Video

9.3. Technology Functions

9.3.1. Digital form

9.3.2. Digital protocol

9.3.3. Decision Support algorithm

9.3.4. Electronic checklists

9.3.5. Electronic case lists

9.3.6. Mobile phone calendar

9.3.7. Chat / Discussion Community

9.3.8. Installed application

9.3.9. Closed User Group

9.3.10. IVR

10. Health domain

10.1. Family planning and reproductive health

10.1.1. Safe sex

10.1.2. *Contraception

10.1.3. Safe abortion care

10.1.4. Birth spacing

10.1.5. *Infertility

10.1.6. *Female genital mutilation

10.2. Maternal health

10.2.1. *Pregnancy

10.2.2. Antenatal care

10.2.3. Miscarriage

10.2.4. Ectopic pregnancy

10.2.5. Oligohydramnios

10.2.6. Gestational diabetes

10.2.7. Maternal sepsis

10.2.8. Gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia

10.2.9. Placenta previa

10.2.10. Placental abruption

10.2.11. Pre-term labor

10.2.12. Obstructed labor

10.2.13. Postpartum hemorrhage

10.2.14. Breastfeeding

10.2.15. Caesarian sections

10.2.16. Postpartum infections

10.2.17. Genital tears/epistomes

10.2.18. Bleeding

10.3. Child health

10.3.1. Growth and development Screenings Growth curves Developmental milestones

10.3.2. Vaccines BCG Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus Polio Hepatitis B H. influenza B Pneumonia HPV Measles Mumps Rubella

10.3.3. Perinatal conditions Breech presentation IUGR Prematurity/low birth weight Birth asphyxia Birth trauma/injury Neonatal infections during birth Jaundice

10.4. Infectious, parasitic and vector-borne disease

10.4.1. *Tuberculosis

10.4.2. *STIs, excluding HIV

10.4.3. *HIV/AIDS

10.4.4. *Diarrhoeal disease

10.4.5. *Hepatitis

10.4.6. *Malaria

10.4.7. *Parasitic Infections

10.4.8. Vector-Borne

10.4.9. *Respiratory tract infections (URI, LRI, OM)

10.4.10. Intestinal nematodes

10.4.11. Respiratory infections (URI, LRI, OM)

10.5. Non-communicable disease

10.5.1. *Cancer

10.5.2. *Diabetes

10.5.3. Cardiovascular disease

10.5.4. *Obesity

10.5.5. Asthma

10.5.6. Smoking

10.5.7. Alcohol use

10.5.8. Dental carries

10.6. Nutrition

10.6.1. Pregnancy nutrition

10.6.2. Protein energy malnutrition

10.6.3. Iodine deficiency

10.6.4. Vit A deficiency

10.6.5. Vit D deficiency

10.6.6. Iron deficiency anemia

10.7. *Mental health

10.8. *Violence

10.8.1. *Violence against women (inc. Rape)

10.8.2. Intimate partner violence (IPV)

10.8.3. Familial violence (non-IPV)

10.8.4. Community violence

10.9. Unintentional injury

10.9.1. *Road traffic accidents

10.9.2. *Poisonings

10.9.3. Falls

10.9.4. *Burns

10.9.5. Drowning

10.9.6. *Injuries

11. Health System Constraint

11.1. Information

11.1.1. Lack of population enumeration

11.1.2. Delayed reporting of events

11.1.3. Quality/unreliability of data

11.1.4. Communication roadblocks

11.1.5. Access to information or data

11.2. Availability

11.2.1. ***Demographic Data Availability

11.2.2. Limited supply of commodities

11.2.3. Lack of equipment or devices

11.2.4. Limited availability to health information/data by CHW

11.2.5. Limited availability of health services for patients

11.2.6. Limited availability of treatment options

11.3. Quality

11.3.1. ***Quality / Reliability of Data

11.3.2. Poor quality of health service provision

11.3.3. Poor quality of medication

11.3.4. Skill level of health care workers

11.3.5. Lack of supportive supervision

11.3.6. Lack of health worker motivation

11.3.7. Poor continuity of care

11.3.8. Non-functional or poorly-functional equipment

11.4. Acceptability

11.4.1. Poor alignment with social and cultural norms

11.4.2. Poor alignment with individual beliefs and practices

11.5. Efficiency

11.5.1. ***Workflow Management

11.5.2. Effective resource allocation

11.5.3. Unnecessary referrals/transportation

11.5.4. Planning and coordination

11.5.5. Timeliness of care

11.6. Cost

11.6.1. Expenses related to commodity production

11.6.2. Expenses related to commodity supply

11.6.3. Expenses related to commodity disbursement

11.6.4. Expenses related to service delivery

11.6.5. Client-side expenses

11.7. Other - where do these go?

11.7.1. Lack of health worker accountability

11.7.2. Loss to follow up

11.7.3. Demand for services

11.7.4. Geographic inaccessibility

11.7.5. Low adherence to treatments

11.7.6. Loss to follow up