Geography: Resources Review

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Geography: Resources Review by Mind Map: Geography: Resources Review

1. 003- Lost Civilisation

1.1. Rapa Nui Assignment

1.2. To understand how the over utilisation of resources can lead to the destruction of a population.

1.3. Easter island

1.4. Rapa Nui:

2. 009 - Energy

2.1. Keywords: Renewable Non-renewable Fossil Fuel Impact Civil Societies

2.2. World Energy Consumption Graph

2.3. Ways that we use oil and why it is more expensive to buy.

2.4. Stages of oil extraction, transportation and refinement.

2.5. GreenPeace is an example of a civil society.

2.6. the method of getting pretroleum

2.7. replace oil with other resources

2.8. To have have an understanding of the impact that the growing demand on energy has on our planet.

2.9. use corn to create oil, so the food price increases too

2.10. oil is non-renewable, but we use them everyday, so everyday they are getting lesser. it is also a scarcy resource so it becomes expensive with time flows

3. 008 - Food Insecurity

3.1. Key Words: Food Insecurity Famine Food Aid

3.2. Food Security Risk Index 2011 (Image)

3.3. UN Probing theft of Food Aid (Video)

3.4. To have knowledge of food insecurity and to understand that aid can be controversial.

3.5. Food Aid - Global Issues (Article)

3.6. Signs of US debt crisis in food insecurity rates (Video)

3.7. Food & Agriculture Organisation - Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (Useful Resource)

3.8. WHO

3.9. negative and positive impacts of food aid

3.10. types of aids that the country receives

4. 004 - Water Everywhere?

4.1. Key Terminology Replenishable Water Preservation Safe Drinking Water Hydrological Cycle

4.2. Water National Geographic

4.3. Water Everywhere? Exercises

4.4. BBC Water documentary

4.5. To have an understanding of how different civilisations have manipulated water.

5. 006- Food Revolution

5.1. Key Words: Irrigation Genetically Modified Food Green Revolution

5.2. Food Revolution Exercises

5.3. hybrid rice

5.4. To have knowledge of how humans have increased the production of food.

6. 002 - Malthus vs Boserup

6.1. key worlds: arithmetic geometric graphs environmental impact resources economic theories population growth

6.2. To have knowledge of two opposing theories concerning population growth and resource availability.

7. 007 - Malnutrition

7.1. Key Words: Malnutrition Calorie Intake Indicator

7.2. Heart Attack Grill video

7.3. Malnutrition Excercises

7.4. To understand the concept of malnutrition and to develop a case study example.

8. 005 - Mega Dams

8.1. Key Words: Social Economic Environmental Political

8.2. Mega Dams Excercises

8.3. Story of Hoover Dam

8.4. To have an understanding of how the construction and use of dams can impact the different environments.

9. 001 - Demand

9.1. Key words

9.2. Resource Renewable Non-renewable Replenishable Recycling

9.3. Hans rosling: population growth

9.4. contreception

9.5. religion

9.6. medicine

9.7. anti-natalist

9.8. cultures

9.9. employment

9.10. education

9.11. migration

9.12. sanitation

9.13. living standards

9.14. water

9.15. roles of woman

9.16. resources

9.17. pro-natalist

9.18. To have knowledge of the impact population change is having on the demand for resources.