Scratch Lunch Time Club

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Scratch Lunch Time Club by Mind Map: Scratch Lunch Time Club

1. Friday Lunchtimes

1.1. 5 weeks

1.1.1. Term 1 = weeks 5-10

1.1.2. Term 2 = weeks 2-6

1.2. Year groups 2-5

2. Create Game

2.1. Goodie

2.1.1. Catch Baddies

2.2. Baddie

2.2.1. Baddies run away from Goodies

2.3. Bonus points pop-up

2.3.1. Good things Add points

2.3.2. Bad things Lose points

3. Week 1

3.1. Make sprites

3.1.1. Goodie

3.1.2. Baddies

3.1.3. Good bonus points

3.1.4. Bad bonus points

3.2. Plan Game

4. Week 2

4.1. Stage

4.2. Score

4.3. Timer

4.4. Bouncy Walls for 4-5

5. 28.2.13 Check Mrs Lapthorn

5.1. Make Notice and put up on 4.2.13

5.2. Message in assembly 4.3.13

5.2.1. Make notes and put up on 4.3.13

6. Week 3

6.1. Programming sprites

6.1.1. Use arrow keys to move

7. Week 4

7.1. De-bug sprites

7.2. Ending of the game

8. Week 5

8.1. Play game