Apache CloudStack (IaaS)

High Level Intro and pointers for IaaS - Open Source CloudStack

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Apache CloudStack (IaaS) by Mind Map: Apache CloudStack (IaaS)

1. Author of this mindmap

1.1. Name - George Chou

1.2. email - [email protected]

1.3. Twitter - @GeorgeChouNext - https://twitter.com/GeorgeChouNext

2. Version

2.1. 1.1

2.2. Latest Update: 06/05/2013

2.3. Comments highly welcome

2.4. History

2.4.1. Version 1.0 Initial Publish (03/01/2013)

2.4.2. Version 1.1 03/28/2013 Add more references for developer oriented Add news about Cloudstock graduated from incubator to become top level project 04/08/2013 Dev Resource - QuickCloud CloudStack Open Source Statistics 04/22/2013 Add weekly news pointer Learn CloudStack through Google Summber of Code 2013 05/02/2013 Stackmate - CloudFormation for CloudStack 5/3/2013 Add current event node 5/6/2013 CloudStack Community Analysis 5/13/2013 Add API work-thru video 5/19/2013 Blog about Cloudstack University 06/05/2013 Quick 4.1 release summary

3. Software Architecture Diagram

4. API

4.1. CloudStack API Developer's Guide - http://incubator.apache.org/cloudstack/docs/en-US/Apache_CloudStack/4.0.1-incubating/html/API_Developers_Guide/index.html

4.2. Interact with Cloudstack Management Server

4.2.1. URL of the server

4.2.2. API key & Secret Key for an account


4.2.4. Payload: XML or JSON

4.3. Every API request has the format Base URL+API Path+Command String+Signature.

4.4. Three types of REST API

4.4.1. Synchronous APIs - hit the DB of the management server

4.4.2. Asynchronous API - cause operation within the cloud system

4.4.3. Asynchronous-Create API - create new entities within the management server DB and then runs operations against these new entities

4.5. OAM&P API

4.5.1. Operations

4.5.2. Administration

4.5.3. Maintenance

4.5.4. Provisioning

4.6. End User API

4.7. AWS API

4.7.1. S3 - https://cwiki.apache.org/CLOUDSTACK/s3-api-in-cloudstack.html & http://www.docstoc.com/docs/128147706/CloudStack-S3-API

4.7.2. EC2 - http://tinyurl.com/c3rfqgo

4.8. Plugins

4.8.1. Plugins - add more capability to Cloudstack

4.8.2. Can be two jars - server component to be deployed on management server

4.8.3. An optional ServerResource component to be deployed co-located with the resource

4.8.4. Can expose its own API through Pluggable Service for administration configuration purpose

4.8.5. Slides (11/10/2012) - http://www.slideshare.net/kkitase/9-plugin-cloudstack-developer-day

4.9. API walk-thru video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZPfm2EksIbc

5. Competitors

5.1. OpenStack

5.2. Eucalyptus

5.3. OpenNebula

5.4. CloudStack vs. OpenStack vs. Eucalyptus (10/2012) - http://www.slideshare.net/bizalgo/cloudstack-vs-openstack-vs-eucalyptus-iaas-private-cloud-brief-comparison

6. Management Server Interaction

7. Metering

7.1. Real Time

7.2. Historical

7.3. Invoice

7.4. Based on data generated by Usage Engine

8. Developer Resources

8.1. Source - git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-cloudstack.git

8.2. Setup Apache Cloudstack Development Environment - http://incubator.apache.org/cloudstack/develop/environment.html

8.3. Development 101 - https://cwiki.apache.org/CLOUDSTACK/development-101.html

8.4. Developer's FAQ - http://incubator.apache.org/cloudstack/develop/developer-faq.html

8.5. Documents - http://incubator.apache.org/cloudstack/docs/en-US/index.html

8.6. Write Cloudstack Plugins - http://www.slideshare.net/buildacloud/writing-a-plugin-for-apache-cloudstack

8.7. DevCloud

8.7.1. A Virtualbox appliance packaged to provide a working CloudStack environment

8.7.2. For version prior 4.0 - http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/COMM/DevCloud

8.7.3. Latest version - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/DevCloud

8.8. QuickCloud - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/QuickCloud

8.8.1. A much easier way to start up CloudStack in one box

8.8.2. In Rough-But-Ready State of implementation (4/2013)

8.9. Swift Developer Document - http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/

8.10. Cloudstack Development Roadmap - http://www.slideshare.net/kkitase/6-roadmap-cloudstack-developer-day

8.11. Learning through projects

8.11.1. Google Summer of Code 2012 with CloudStack - http://bit.ly/17eXY1B

8.12. Stackmate - CloudFormation for CloudStack - https://github.com/chiradeep/stackmate

9. Security

9.1. Secure Single Sign-on

9.2. Multi-role support

9.3. Secure Cloud Deployment

9.4. LDAP Integration

10. Management

10.1. Interface Methods

10.1.1. RESTful API

10.1.2. Built on top of CloudStack API Rich Management User Interface - AJAX implementation Command line tools

10.2. Multi-tenancy & Account Management

10.2.1. Domains & Delegate Domain Administration

10.3. Service Offering Management

10.3.1. Compute Offering

10.3.2. Disk Offering

10.3.3. Network Offering

10.4. Resource Overprovision

10.5. Notification & Alarm

10.6. Capacity Threadholding

11. End-User Experience

11.1. Self-Service Portal

11.2. AJAX VNC client to access virtual machine

11.3. Create pre-defined template for easy cloud deployment

11.4. ISO and template managment

11.5. Snapshot management

11.6. Project grouping all resources together for easy maintenance

12. Current Events

12.1. CloudStack Collaboration Conference (6/23~6/25)

13. Objectives of this mindmap

13.1. Quick Access to Apache CloudStack related Information

13.2. High Level Introduction

13.3. Public link for this mindmap - http://tinyurl.com/b7xebgw

14. Basic Introduction

14.1. What is Cloudstack?

14.1.1. An open source software platform that pools/deploys/manages/orchestrates computing resources to build public, private, and hybrid Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds.

14.1.2. Development story & future vision (9/1/2012) - http://www.slideshare.net/kkitase/cloudstackdevelopmentstory

14.1.3. Apache CloudStack Becomes a Top-Level Apache Project (03/26/2013) - http://java.dzone.com/articles/apache-cloudstack-becomes-top

14.1.4. 4.1 release quick summary - http://bit.ly/13kEuY2

14.2. Architecture & Deployment

14.2.1. Slide (4/29/2012) - http://www.slideshare.net/cloudstack/cloudstack-architecture

14.2.2. YouTube Part I - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1K_8rvDhic

14.2.3. YouTube - Part II http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSwisRfJVdM

14.2.4. Slides (12/2012) (more comprehensive) - http://www.slideshare.net/tcloudcomputing-tw/cloudstack-overview1

14.3. wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloudstack

14.4. Apache incubator - http://incubator.apache.org/cloudstack/

14.5. Apache CloudStack Wiki - https://cwiki.apache.org/CLOUDSTACK/home.html

14.6. (11/09/2012 - Apache Process - http://www.slideshare.net/kkitase/7-apache-process-cloudstack-developer-day

14.7. YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/diycloudcomputing

14.8. Slideshare Channel - http://www.slideshare.net/cloudstack

14.9. Cloudstack University - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+University

14.9.1. Objective - learn various facets of CloudStack in lecture style

14.9.2. Blog about Cloudstack University

14.10. CloudStack Open Source Statistics - http://www.ohloh.net/p/CloudStack

14.11. CloudStack Weekly News - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+Weekly+News

14.12. CloudStack Community Analysis - http://buildacloud.org/blog/258-update-on-apache-cloudstack-community-analysis.html

15. Features & Components

15.1. Feature Table - http://incubator.apache.org/cloudstack/software/features.html

15.2. Core Components

16. Architectures

16.1. Conceptual Deployment Architecture

16.2. Management Server Deployment Architecture

16.3. Cloudstack Cloud Architecture

17. Management Server vs. Hypervisors

18. Compute

18.1. Supported Hypervisors

18.1.1. XenServer - http://www.citrix.com/products/xenserver/overview.html

18.1.2. Xen Cloud Platform - http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/XCP_Overview

18.1.3. KVM - http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Main_Page

18.1.4. VMware via vCenter

18.1.5. Oracle VM

18.1.6. Bare Metal via IPMI - https://cwiki.apache.org/CLOUDSTACK/cloudstack-baremetal.html

18.2. Multiple Guest VM OSs Support

18.3. User Data Support

18.3.1. Create VM from template

18.3.2. User data creates unique cloud identity for VMs

18.4. Live Migration of VM without down time

19. Primary & Second Storage

20. Storage

20.1. Primary Storage (Cluster Level)

20.1.1. For VMs

20.1.2. Local Disk

20.1.3. iSCSC

20.1.4. Fiber Channel

20.1.5. Scaling Storage with Ceph Slides (7/2012) - http://www.slideshare.net/cloudstack/vbacd-july-2012-scaling-storage-with-ceph Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAfsHEaiVxI

20.2. Secondary Storage (Zone Level)

20.2.1. For template, ISOs and snapshots

20.2.2. NFS

20.2.3. OpenStack Swift storage integration Intro on Swift - http://swiftstack.com/openstack-swift/architecture/

20.3. Storage Tiering

20.4. Block Storage Volumes

20.5. Cluster Logical Volumn Manager Support

20.6. CloudStack vs. Cloud Storage - Where are we? Where do we need to go?

20.6.1. Slides - http://www.slideshare.net/SolidFireInc/cloud-stack-cloud-storage

20.6.2. Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFSS3grIFuU

20.6.3. Personal note - I believe the CloudStack Storage needs major change to catch up competitors, better storage offering while moving Cloudstack to new architecture and deployment model

21. Network

21.1. VLAN

21.2. MPLS support for VLAN

21.3. Virtual Router

21.4. Firewall

21.5. Load Balancing

21.6. Netscaler Support

21.7. Network as a Service

21.7.1. Select different network offerings during VM deployment

21.7.2. Migrate VM from one network offering to another

21.7.3. Slide - http://www.slideshare.net/kkitase/3-networking-cloudstack-developer-day

21.8. Software-based network management

21.8.1. V4.0 - Support for Nicira NVP (L2) Schuberg Philis case - Nicira NVP integration - http://www.slideshare.net/hugotrippaers/cloud-stack-nvp-integration-bacd#btnNext

21.8.2. Vision Statement (11/2012) - http://www.slideshare.net/kkitase/35-sdn-cloudstack-developer-day

22. HIgh Avalibility

22.1. Management Server

22.1.1. Deployed in a multi-node installation with load balancer

22.1.2. Management Server Database (MySQL) may be configured to use replication to provide for a manual failover

22.2. VM Hosts

22.2.1. CloudStoack supports NIC bonding

22.2.2. Separate networks for storage as well as iSCSI Multipath

22.2.3. Custom VM Sync technology constantly monitors and maintains the state of all virtual machines within the cloud from notifications of individual VM status to the ability to automatically ensure that the VM remains running.